The Shaving Cadre

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Winter Olympics

I’m tired of this Sinophobia (usually rooted in racism).

Mods please remove me from this forum.
Literally no one said a single bad word about China or even mentioned China, nor did they give the reasons they were choosing not to watch the Olympics, they simply said they were not watching. I don't think it gets any more polite and non-political than that. Not sure how anyone is seeing Sinophobia or racism from anything said in this thread.

I think everyone in this thread, excluding one, has acted in a very gentlemanly fashion. Thank you and well done Cadre. We don't all have to agree about everything and we can, and do, have differing opinions but it is nice to see that we can have conversations without it devolving into a screaming match like so much of what we see in the world today. That is one of the many reasons I choose to hang out here.

Have a good night all. 🥃
Spouse unit and I watched some ice skating on tv last night. I am fond of couples ice freestyle. this must have been some other championship.
I’m wondering - how close do they do the Olympic trials before the Olympics? I know swimming is about a month out - do the Winter sports follow suit? (Except for the team sports- they usually have qualifiers further out.