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Which Witch and Why?


First Responder
Those following my shaving journal know by now that I've been using the cheap Walmart brand of witch hazel. I see that a lot of guys are using Thayers WH. I know I'm probably opening a can of worms, but I'd like to hear guys making their cases for Thayers and for the cheap WH you can get anywhere that has 14 % alcohol.

I've read the threads at B&B about how true WH must have 14 % alcohol and how Thayers may not be true WH so I'm not trying to rehash that debate but more wanting guys to make their case why they prefer what they prefer.

I'm thinking of trying a morning without the WH to see if it makes any difference in redness. It used to do a fairly good job of reducing the redness, but this morning it's like it turned up the redness button right after applying it. Later in the morning things got back to normal, but I'm wondering if the soothing characteristics of Thayers would be better for my neck.

I know this falls under the YMMV category, but I'd value opinions both ways.
I use Thayers Lemon, because I love the scent of lemon and hated the scent of plain WH. I haven't done any research past that. Tried Thayers cucumber though, didn't like that either.
I use generic store brand witch hazel after every shave now. In general I feel that it improves the feel of my skin, whether or not the shave was rough.

If I went for Thayer’s at all, I think it would be for the medicated one with extra skin goodies, otherwise the cost is not worth it to me versus the regular generic brand.

Humphrey’s and Dickerson’s are on my list to try, they look to be good while being well priced.
I have pretty much stuck with the cheap store brands myself. Something about paying $12 for a scented name brand vs$1.87 keeps me from branching out. I have bought thayers and found the only thing different is price and the bottle. I don’t really like the scent of witch hazel so I will add some essential oil,menthol, alum and 91% isopropyl to make my own aftershave. Once I cut up cucumbers and soaked them in store brand WH for several days before straining, I liked the fresh cucumber scent.

Our mantra here at TSC is pretty much “it’s your experience, do what makes you happiest”. If you think you are missing out on a “better” WH by using store brand you are not. All you are giving up is scent. I will state that as fact because I have even bought bulk WH (to make aftershave for sale) and find it is no different in its raw unscented, unadulterated state than Walmart brand...price per ounce is all that’s different.

I think $1.87 WH is worth using regularly, it does tend to calm and tone in a way that a high alcohol aftershave doesn’t.
Just to be clear, I'm already standing in line outside Chris' house to buy these.
Good topic. I have actually been meaning to start something like this for a long time, as I've used several types and brands of WH.

(prices below rounded to make it simpler)

Generic from Walmart 16oz for about $2 = 12 cents per ounce
TN Dickinsons 16oz for $4 = 25 cents per ounce
Humphreys 16oz for $8 = 50 cents per ounce
Humphreys Organic 8oz for $10 = $1.25 per ounce

All of these above are true witch hazels and their ingredient lists are identical = 86% WH, 14% alcohol. There is a slight scent difference between them, but I detect no difference in face feel or effectiveness of the products based on price. I assume as the cost goes up, maybe the refinement techniques differ, or maybe the quality of the ingredients is better, leading to a slightly better or sweeter smell, but that smell is accounting for about 2 seconds of the use, and to me does not make any justification for purchasing a higher cost HW. The generic stuff @ under $2 is all you need.

Now, if you want more than WH then you can look at Thayers or Humphreys Alcoholado Maravilla 70.

Humpherys AM70 16oz for $12 = 75 cents per ounce
Thayers 12oz for $11 = 92 cents per ounce

These products have more ingredients in them like aloe, glycerine, scents, and other oils. Basically, they are not a simple witch hazel, they are more of a complete aftershave. You buy them because you are looking for more out of your WH. And there are several reasons you might choose these products.
A) Alcohol Free - Most Thayers WHs are alcohol free, only a few have alcohol (either 10% or 20%). Humphreys AM70 is 70% alcohol.
B) Scent - Most Thayers WHs have a scent (cucumber, peach, rose, lemon, lavender, coconut, etc.) AM70 has a Bay Rum scent.
C) Skin Healing - the addition of aloe, glycerine, and other oils make these a really good aftershave all by themselves. There isn't a need for a follow up product, unless you want to do so for scent. The Thayers Medicated has LOTS of great stuff in it, and is the only one of the Thayers line that I keep on hand and think is actually worth the extra cost. But I don't use it for post shave, I keep it on hand for medicinal reasons.
I use the Thayer's Rose WH. I get it at my local Whole Foods in a two pack for around $14.

I like it for the other additives, like rose water and aloe, that it has. Thayer's is also alcohol free. I get enough alcohol in the AS splashes that I use, I don't need it in my WH.

I have used store brand generic WH. I have also used Dickenson's. They work well enough. Thayer's is just a bit better for me.
Not much that I can say that hasn't already been said. Personally, I have store brand, Humphreys, and several Thayers (cucumber, peach, coconut water...I usually have medicated also). I prefer the Thayers because of the different skin food ingredients. But if I want something that will straight up soothe irritated skin...regular old witch hazel is the stuff.
I use the Thayer's and the cheap store brand stuff. Only real difference i see is the amount of alcohol content and the lack of skin food as KJ pointed out. I like both for different reasons and when i mix my PdP 63 splash it will be with the generic stuff.
This is all really good information everyone. Keep it coming!

I personally like the feel of WH and I've noticed a difference in my facial health since starting to use it. When I started wet shaving I used straight up alcohol and that was quite harsh like sticking my face too close to my gas forge. I don't mind the smell of straight up WH. I think a guy just gets used to it, but I may try to add some essential oil to mine to see how it smells. I may even experiment with adding some of the bay rum AS's to it to see how that works.
WH is great for cutting into alcohol aftershaves! The scent changes slightly, but I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.
I may even experiment with adding some of the bay rum AS's to it to see how that works.

It works fine. I mix a little bit of rose water, and Superior 70 Bay Rum into my WH sometimes. And sometimes I also add some Citrocol Lime.
I've got some S70 Bay Rum on my Christmas list so I think I'll be trying to mix it with my WH at some point. My wife also has some essential oils she didn't like, one being peppermint which might make a nice Christmas day AS
The only WH I have tried is Stirling. They add a lot of other skin goodies to it. And it has a great scent. It is not part of a regular post shave routine for me though.
I have tried a few Witch Hazels and would stick with the Generic brand. You could add any EO to it and make any scent you choose. This helps if you don't like the scent of generic WH. Plus you could add glycerin and other stuff, although the Stirling ones are pretty good, has a milky consistency that absorbs quickly.