The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Where’s Dave?!?!

Glad he’s OK!

Saw he was doing free back-to-school cuts for local kids! That’s pretty cool!

Think I could pass for a 6th grader? :unsure:
You mean Dave finally put cream on his stache and the cat licked it off? And I am way better looking than him!
You are definitely much taller, that’s for sure.

I thought it was the flamin’ Eddie shots we where doing last weekend that did in his ’stach but word on the Barber circuit is it that in order for him to get the new whizmo 3000 clippers he had to be totally clean shaven. He didn’t HAVE a whizmo 3000 to do the job and had never used a straight razor on his own lip (without drawing blood) so the cream and Ruger method was employed (I hear that was Mrs Handlebars’s idea and it required some additional duct tape at the wrists and ankles to be done).

In any case I’m still not sure the weight loss and facial hair changes aren’t due to law enforcement issues ...hide in plain site but look different while doing it.