The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

What's in a [user]name?

Longhaultanker is, hopefully obvious, connected to my job. I’m a truck driver and I pull a chemical tanker. My preferred routing is the long haul. Anything over 1500 miles on the outbound leg qualifies. OTR driving is so much a lifestyle because so much time is spent in the truck. A driver inevitably becomes intimately connected to the job. Hence, a trucker. Or for me, Longhaultanker.
Long before the digital age I was formally trained in the art of typography using moveable type, then spent my entire working career in some area of the printing business.

I blame my Irish teacher, Mr O’Reilly for the creation of my pet peeve of the term “upper case”, by the threat of failure to those who would dare to use such terminology. There really is no such thing as “upper case”.

Most late compositors work stations at the beginning of the photographic and digital ages did not even have type case positions of upper and lower but came to favor the hugely popular California Job Case where jibberish such as “be careful driving elephants into small foreign garages” were used as training aids.

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The European origin of the use for the term “lower case” came from the use of older compositor work stations and type banks where small letters were in a lower more accessible position. The upper position was for the capital letters (caps) AND a commonly used “small caps” whose dimensions were more like the small letters found in the “lower case”.

The saving grace for my sanity is that the designers of typewriter keyboards labeled that one key in the center left as “caps lock” and not “upper case lock”.

While an upper case did exist in typography, the follow up question to the specification of “upper case”, would have been, do you want “caps, small caps or capitalization of small caps”

I have recollection of a trade show where an older gent I knew was costumed as Ben Franklin and displaying the use if his private collection of well preserved ancient and operational typecasting equipment using a molten lead- tin alloy. He was also printing and handling out one at a time examples printed right there on a manual press from the era.

It would have been nice to have had a video of this unique museum worthy display. I have no idea what actually happened to the collection of Bruno Woernle but I likely would have included ink from a company I worked for.

Sorry for the rant, upper case always triggers me.
You make a good case.
Mine comes from a time when I was a newbie in the hobby and I was signing up for one of those amalgamator apps that sign into multiple sites at once. I couldn’t think of anything cute - I had just bought my first scuttle - and I think the username scuttle was already taken - so just added soap to the name. As Nurse Dave points out - doesn’t make sense 😂 - it should have been Scuttle Lather, or Scuttle Water, or Scuttle Scum - or something like that - I wasn’t too creative
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Ironically - I still only own the one scuttle as I face lather the majority of the time time. Go figure.
Actually @Scuttlesoap is Norwegian for
“I buy all shave gear…..1000 times”🤪
Mine is simple too. A name given to me by most of my customers and/or my job title. When I walk into a station store they say, Hi Gasman. Im the guy at the gas station you complain about being in the way. I haul fuel. But most people dont call it fuel. They call it gas.

And, as far as spaces at the end of a sentance, 3. At least that is what they taught me in morse code as another nick name of mine is "Mr. Wicked" as I run a CB repair shop called Wicked Radios.
I’m BigHairyGobbler because that’s the nickname we gave my late English Spinger Spaniel who’s name was Tira (pronounced tear-uh). She was the smartest dog we knew and loved to ”gobble”, probably knew a hundred words and would just figure things out.

Dogs in general are God’s gift to us to remind us to just love each other, have fun, love life and chase squirrels. Here’s a picture my wife took that won a local pet photo contest. She ate every inch and loved it.
Mine is simple too. A name given to me by most of my customers and/or my job title. When I walk into a station store they say, Hi Gasman. Im the guy at the gas station you complain about being in the way. I haul fuel. But most people dont call it fuel. They call it gas.

And, as far as spaces at the end of a sentance, 3. At least that is what they taught me in morse code as another nick name of mine is "Mr. Wicked" as I run a CB repair shop called Wicked Radios.
Thank you for what you do!

But if you don’t mind - I’m going to pretend you got the moniker because like me, you love the movie Dumb & Dumber 😂

Thsnk you for the praise. Years ago I migh get thanked once a year and it was so rare it was odd.
Now it seems that I hear it once a month. Makes a guy feel good that people are noticing what I do and the dangers that I put up with daily. Now if people would quit driving like idiots around me.
Thsnk you for the praise. Years ago I migh get thanked once a year and it was so rare it was odd.
Now it seems that I hear it once a month. Makes a guy feel good that people are noticing what I do and the dangers that I put up with daily. Now if people would quit driving like idiots around me.
Statistically it is very dangerous work.
I still had the training, just the watered down REMF version.
Roger that. I know the dealio, Sir. Somebody’s gotta take care of the beans and bullets and make sure that the eagle craps on time. We all had our part. My only beef was that we grunts should have gotten a bigger clothing allowance.