The Shaving Cadre

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What people really think

I just wanted to vent and maybe cause people to think.
I do think my neighbor likes me (well maybe) and I'm sure his hateful posts and memes in his mind were funny. Even on the forums I'm seeing more of "you're a bad person of you dont agree with me" statements and what am I to think if I dont agree with I bad? Do you think I'm bad?

Isn't hating large groups and really dehumanizing each other how we got into alot of the messes we are in?

I try not to post something I wouldn't say to someone's face. I think that is a good rule.

This is something that's been up my bum for a while too. I had my own mini rant on Facebook about it.

I think the most important lesson towards becoming a fully functioning mature person, is understanding that no one, will ever agree with everything you think or do. Heck 50% is doing great.

I'm not a Christian, but all faiths have the same ideals of forgiveness and seeing others through God's eyes. It's not hard to see that most of us are trying out best to be good folks, even if we have different ideas about the world.

The folks not trying to be good folks, ignore them, or call them out if it's worth it, no matter their party, race, or nationality. (Just not here, it's a refuge from all that, right?)

Honestly, and maybe I'm weird, but most of the people I've been close to in life, have been totally different from me, but they were all open minded. That's all how I feel about TSC, we're all different, in our quirky was, and that's what I love about the place.

(Chad can you please delete that thread we had going about The Monkey being a douche nozzle?)
Always be the best person you can be and don't worry about others.

That said, I'm going to have a hard time justifying my friendship with some friends, acquaintances and coworkers come November. I don't expect people to think exactly the same as me, but a disregard for basic human decency and law should be a practical standard.
OTOH, I'm sure there are many other people (including some friends, colleagues and acquaintances) are thinking the same thing, and coming to an exactly opposite conclusion. :)
Very well said......and now you have me convicted in my heart for some of the things I have been thinking about my friends and family! Ah. I have allowed "the enemy" to get in my head, rent free, in my attitude towards those folks, instead of having the the attitude of loving them into a correct attitude. In short: I've been an ...... donkey!
Advanced primates open bananas from the wrong side. Something to think about.