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What people really think

The Monkey

"I See the Good in Every Shave"
Knowing what people really think of me is really messing with me.
I thought my neighbors and I were freinds. We have helped each other several times over the years. We stop and chat whenever we see each other out and about. We always share a laugh and a smile. Well today I found out what they really thinks about me. They think I'm an idiot and even wish that I would die some horrible death!
I dont visit many forums. I always try to encourage and be a good person and I though people like me. Well recently I have been been called selfish and uncaring at the best and the lowest form of life and evil at the worst.
Of course none of these people called me out by name but they have clearly pointed me out due to something i believe and/or for someone I voted for. Once again not by name but by association and generalizations. They haven't said it to my face but post these previously unknown truths from the safety of thier keyboards.
I guess I'm shocked and surprised by what people really think of me.
You can’t help what people think. It sucks when people are fake, and pretend to be one way, then you find out they are another.... but that’s out of your hands. I’ve learned to not care about things that are beyond my control. Therefore I don’t care about what people think about me. All I can do is be true to myself, and be someone that I’m happy with. The only one I need to please at the end of the day is me. If others don’t like or accept that, that’s not my problem, it’s theirs.

But John, I think you’re great. Quirky, in a good way, and funny.
You of all people as we have talked in the past know that opinions of others about you in relation to your relationship with God and your true friends and family is ALL that really matters. Trust your faith and of folks cannot respect your opinions, choices, and so forth, then honestly they do not belong in your life PERIOD

you are one of the most long term and oldest friends I have on the board. You honored me bu joining is here and proud to call you brother. Everything that is going on now is stress, and social media fodder. Focus on the important stuff
Trust me i would not send Tamales to someone unworthy
Love Ya Compadre
I just wanted to vent and maybe cause people to think.
I do think my neighbor likes me (well maybe) and I'm sure his hateful posts and memes in his mind were funny. Even on the forums I'm seeing more of "you're a bad person of you dont agree with me" statements and what am I to think if I dont agree with I bad? Do you think I'm bad?

Isn't hating large groups and really dehumanizing each other how we got into alot of the messes we are in?

I try not to post something I wouldn't say to someone's face. I think that is a good rule.
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There are only two people in this world whose opinions of me truly matter: Mine and my wife's (in that order).

It's good if other people like you (especially family), but I don't judge whether I am a good person based upon what other people think. I guess that last little bit sort of takes away any meaning from me saying that I think you're a good man, John.

Long story short: What KJ said.

Just a suggestion......try unplugging from social media like mean Facebook. I remember specifically many years ago when we closed our account because a family member posted how wonderful her husband is and how much she loved him and we knew she'd just threatened to leave him just days before. Like many have said before me, stop caring what people think. It's very much freeing to be the person you were meant to be and not the person others want to mold you to be. In the end, they don't live your life so why should they run it?

Another piece of advice is to stop. When I mean stop, I mean just sort of stand still for a few moments in your life. Look off the road that everyone is traveling on and expects you to travel on. There's a narrow path that is less traveled just waiting for you to take. The first steps are the hardest and they'll yell at you and make fun of you, but keep going and you'll find it's a better path. On the narrow path you'll find others with the same mindset and pretty soon you'll realize all those people on the road over there are the stooges. They travel up there to please everyone else and in the end of the day they need to create a fake person on social media because they don't even know where the person they are expected to be ends and the real person begins.

Another deep thought brought to you by blade-meister :LOL:
People don’t do things against you John, people do things for themselves. In the absence of true malice people invent opinions to make them feel better about themselves. I will go one further than Sam @woodpusher the only person’s opinion that matters is the one who looks back at you from the mirror. Be happy with that guy or not you make the call, you make the changes.
Well heck, you can’t be “that guy”. Don is that guy, but for other we reason. But we love ya brother!
There are only two people in this world whose opinions of me truly matter: Mine and my wife's (in that order).

It's good if other people like you (especially family), but I don't judge whether I am a good person based upon what other people think. I guess that last little bit sort of takes away any meaning from me saying that I think you're a good man, John.

Long story short: What KJ said.
He Lies, mine too.... well for haircuts LOL
Mat 22 :37-39
Thanks for posting that. Sometimes I need to think on those things.

And also this: if He is for me, who can stand against me?

I also have taken a step back from Fakebook, lol. My family leans a certain way politically, my wife and I lean another.

My brother and sister have "unfriended" a cousin.

The One I TRY to follow brought a sword between families, I have to just accept the fact and love them where they are......this too shall pass my friends.
If I’m hearing/ reading your words correctly my monkey friend, what you are saying in your own wise way is that your neighbor, by lumping all folk who are like you or share common values & beliefs as you (which are not in alignment with his own) into the same category and disparaging them all ...he has disparaged you in the same thoughtless and hateful manor, even after appearing to know and like you all this time.
And if this is truly what you are saying, then this means your neighbor (who you really DO have reason to believe knows your and likes you more than his hateful posts would indicate) has failed to realize that his hatred of those who share your values and beliefs, those whose beliefs he does not agree with nor they his is as misplaced as if that same hatred where aimed at YOU...the neighbor he actually knows and likes despite your differences.
Seems it’s easier to have hate for anonymous groups of people with made up character flaws Than it is to hate someone you know well enough to see beyond their “flaws”.

You have a way with words @The Monkey , no wonder you have been called to do what you do.
You just keep doing you John! From here to what I’ve seen of your pulpit work, to my gut instinct, I believe you are a good man who was actually called to do what you do. The adversary can put things in the way to make you doubt yourself. I think we’ve all experienced that. Even believed it. But at prayer time I get my focus back and try to “Love the hell outta those thoughts”. (Hmmmm. I feel a sermon coming on) 😜
If I’m hearing/ reading your words correctly my monkey friend, what you are saying in your own wise way is that your neighbor, by lumping all folk who are like you or share common values & beliefs as you (which are not in alignment with his own) into the same category and disparaging them all ...he has disparaged you in the same thoughtless and hateful manor, even after appearing to know and like you all this time.
And if this is truly what you are saying, then this means your neighbor (who you really DO have reason to believe knows your and likes you more than his hateful posts would indicate) has failed to realize that his hatred of those who share your values and beliefs, those whose beliefs he does not agree with nor they his is as misplaced as if that same hatred where aimed at YOU...the neighbor he actually knows and likes despite your differences.
Seems it’s easier to have hate for anonymous groups of people with made up character flaws Than it is to hate someone you know well enough to see beyond their “flaws”.
Always be the best person you can be and don't worry about others.

That said, I'm going to have a hard time justifying my friendship with some friends, acquaintances and coworkers come November. I don't expect people to think exactly the same as me, but a disregard for basic human decency and law should be a practical standard.
OTOH, I'm sure there are many other people (including some friends, colleagues and acquaintances) are thinking the same thing, and coming to an exactly opposite conclusion. :)