The Shaving Cadre

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What is on your AD list (long range) 2019 Edition


“The Disney Princess’s Apprentice”
@Spider did this last year and I think it was a pretty fun insight into what you all are gunning for long term for various hobbies (particularly traditional shaving). Since we have quite a few new folks, I figured it might be about time to redo those AD lists!

What do you like best in this hobby? What kinds of scents are you hoping to acquire or dabble in at some point? Soaps? Razors? AS? Frags?

Heck, what are some other hobbies you’re hoping to get into or grow your collection in over the next year or two (looking at you pipe and fountain pen people)?

Dreams and wishes, big or em all!
Shaving-wise, I am close to set... well, except for CBL's stuff, especially the forthcoming hard soaps. I might look at another brush, but since I already have 6, it is a low probability pick-up. I plan on acquiring a green Pelikan M200 to celebrate my graduation from school (green= school colour) last spring, as I start a second career in my 50s to wind down my working life. 🕺 Always on the lookout for different heirloom tomatoe plants that we have not tried in our garden, but beyond that, I have to say that I am very content with my life as it is.... beyond getting better at chess.
I’ll go ahead and put down some of my AD items:

- Colonial General
- Blackland Vector
- Paladin Harlequin PK-47
- One thing that is looming particularly largely on the horizon is the quest to find myself a “signature” scent or maybe two (one summer, one winter). I think the only way to really do that will be making it, so that means essential oils of various types - bergamot, Vetiver, patchouli, Camilla, lavender, sandalwood, etc., some eye droppers, and some roller dispensers.
- Some of my favorite frags - Rive Gauche, Terre d’Hermes, Aventus, etc.
- Some of the other SV sets
- Definitely some more CBL soaps
- And I’ll piggyback on Kyle’s thoughts here...A new pocket knife is always fun!
As far as The typical shave stuff goes, I am set.

I want to learn to really master my synthetic stones and maybe get and learn a full Arkansas progression for long term.

I may also dabble a bit with making: AS, bar soap and maybe a shave soap.
I was thinking about possibly getting a Blackland Sabre. I don't really need any more soaps and aftershave, but when had that ever stopped anyone around here?

I also think I have enough pens for now, but I need a couple more inks.
Great topic. Love it.

As far as shaving stuff goes, I guess I would love to add a Captain's Choice Cooper Heavyweight lather bowl and a vintage Gillette Old Type with the Bulldog handle. I haven't been actively pursuing the razor but if one jumped in front of me in the wild I'd snap it up. I really have all the razors I would like. I wouldn't mind a Rubberset 3 or 4 with a boar knot in it. I do have a long list of soaps, creams and aftershaves that I'd like to try. Too many to list here. I view my search for scents and high performing software to be something that will never die.

As far as other hobbies, I pretend to play the drums and I am in need of a new crash cymbal. I already have a 16" crash so I'm thinking a 17" or 18" medium crash would be nice. It would go well with the 18" mini cup ride, splash and 17" China that I already have. I could also use a new set of heads for all 5 toms. I presently have older Evans blue oil filled heads on them. They are really pretty heavy and can last a lifetime but I'd like something a little more melodic. Remo Pinstripe heads would be similar yet thinner and give me better quality tone from the drums.

Give me time and I'm sure I can come up with more stuff.
My continued foibles in honing have me questioning myself about the continues search for ‘the’ finishing stone.

Outside the shaving realm, I too lean toward the percussive arts. both on the field, and my little bop kit. A Ufip Class series light ride would come in handy if they still sound as good as they used to.
As others have mentioned, as a long time scouter, I love me some pocket knife.
My continued foibles in honing have me questioning myself about the continues search for ‘the’ finishing stone.

Outside the shaving realm, I too lean toward the percussive arts. both on the field, and my little bop kit. A Ufip Class series light ride would come in handy if they still sound as good as they used to.
As others have mentioned, as a long time scouter, I love me some pocket knife.

May I recommend the Zero Tolerance 350TS...I have a few knives and this one is pretty handy and durable.

Well I have been blessed with an abundance of all things wet shaving! So I am good for now. KJ made me jealous with the Paladin acquisitions but I have a Jade Sumo myself so I am happy. My other hobbies are also good.
Been wanting to pick up a finishing stone a friend of mine has, just haven't had the funds for it yet. I have a lot of soap so not really "looking" for any at this point. Doesn't mean I won't grab something if it catches my attention though.
Been sort of looking at the gunmetal 6c but no idea if I'll like it or not. Nurse Dave is sending me his 6s to try out and see before I'd buy.
Other than that my Captain's Choice AS stock is running low. Sandalwood, bay rum, and lime need restocking.

Other hobbies are pretty pricey so a long way out. New building for my shop, new grinder, power hammer, and a press..... Cheapest on the list is the grinder at about 3 grand, so those are on the really long range list.
May I recommend the Zero Tolerance 350TS...I have a few knives and this one is pretty handy and durable.

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I've heard good things about them. Used to carry an Emerson but lost it in an 800 ton pulp tank. Was not impressed. Went to a Kershaw after that. It held up well. Now I carry a fixed blade that I made most of the time. Back to the Kershaw on certain occasions though.
Well I figured I would jump on the band wagon and join in here.

To be honest I am happy with my current acquisitions. There is NOTHING that i can think that I must have or really want. I follow my favorite artisans and if something new is released that intrigues me then I go for it, but honestly haven't tried much new lately. I want a krakatoa red Paladin eventually but not actively seeking that out either. My brush acquisition has slowed since my last purchase. As to razors I am also set. I could always use more Feather Pro blades but aside from that I am set. Also a hoard of bad blades ( I really need to get that series running again).

The only thing I can think of that would somewhat interest me is to get more into Straight Shaving. I have a few straights but they need to be honed. And yes I know that the other owner's are master honers I just need to mail them off LOL. My problem is maintaining the blade. That is where I lack, with the stropping etc. And honing oh man I have no idea what to do there.

My other hobbies include whiskey and am always happy to welcome in new glasses etc. I also enjoy the occasional cigar. I do enjoy fountain pens as well currently with a few Pilot Metros, a Lamy Safari, and a Noodler's pen. I have always liked those TWISBI ecos. I committed at the beginning of the year to sticking to NO YouTube black hole watch sessions, I do watch the Cadre Tube though, although need to comment more. These black hole watch sessions always used to hit me right before bed. So I have been reading instead, I really enjoy my Kindle, and the physical books. Another item that always caused me stress was the annoying local radio stations in the morning and evening commutes. It seems news is all about getting a rise out of people and I have decided to remove that negativity from my life. I only read the news. And I have replaced my radio listening with audible.
Thanks Chad, that's what I forgot... at some point I still want to add a Kanayama strop to my den.
As far as pens, they are something I have always enjoyed, but rarely use. I still havent gone through the sample pack I bought a year ago. So not actively looking to purchase, but wont turn down a good deal.
I've tried lots of modern razors, and overall I've been less than happy with them. I don't know if it's just me, but the trend seems to be going more to the aggressive side..... folks love their blade gaps! I prefer razors on the milder side, for the most part. I think I'm about done trying new razors. That said, something still appeals to me about the Feather AS-D2, which is supposed to be a milder razor, and I'd love to try one out eventually.

I've started collecting hones, so I can one day (if I ever find the time) start honing my own razors. What I need to complete the set is a finisher. But it's still going to be well down the road before I actually need one of these.

I'd like to try the new milksteak formula from DG in the darkfall scent. Also, if GD ever comes out with the Angel scent again, I'm interested. But frankly with all this CBL stash I'm accumulating..... the thought of buying more soap is becoming rediculous. (aside from some Halloween scents I'm looking at now..... but that's different).

Still kind of a newb when it comes to colognes and frags. Most just come off as too cologney and it's hard to find anything I like. I like warm, and I like earthy. Maybe eventually I'll find something that I can wear everyday and be a signature scent.
I've heard good things about them. Used to carry an Emerson but lost it in an 800 ton pulp tank. Was not impressed. Went to a Kershaw after that. It held up well. Now I carry a fixed blade that I made most of the time. Back to the Kershaw on certain occasions though.
Syderco mainly but the ZT was a gift from my wife and I have literally carried some form of blade for the past 30+ years fixed and folder. My fav is an old Russell Canadian Belt Knife. Emerson’s and Kershaws are both quite nice. So you are a bladesmith yes?
Syderco mainly but the ZT was a gift from my wife and I have literally carried some form of blade for the past 30+ years fixed and folder. My fav is an old Russell Canadian Belt Knife. Emerson’s and Kershaws are both quite nice. So you are a bladesmith yes?
I try. Not sure I'm quite there yet, but I make the attempt.
I have a page up in the hobbyist section if you want to see a few of the pieces I've made.
There are a few hardware purchases that I would like to make. A Blackland Dart, a PAA Starling, a Vector (maybe), and maybe something higher-end, like a Timeless. Some day I will pick up a Paladin to see what all the fuss is about, but am in no rush since for me synthetics out perform badger every time. I have more than enough software to last me about forever. I need to pick up a couple more Shapton Kuromakus to have a complete synthetic progression. I have enough DE blades to last decades. I also have plenty of GEM and Injector blades. I could probably use a few more Feather Pros and a few Feather Guards.