The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

What do you look at differently, since joining the Cadre?

I look at other shavers differently. I see guys with razor burn and think "Man, that dude needs to discovery wet shaving" or see a dude and think "Man, I bet that guy is a wet shaver." I never really noticed that before. My girls also are ruined for life because I'm always pretty smooth so these guys who shave with an electric razor once a week just won't be appealing to them someday.

I think the cadre has also restored my faith in basic humanity. We have folks here that are really quite different for the guy next to him and we find a basic human kindness, decency, and generosity that's lacking today. We can all laugh at our weirdness at time and nobody gets their knickers in a twist about it. Now I know that every person I run into probably has this basic humanity somewhere and if I can just tap into it, we'd probably get along. Otherwise, I get pretty cynical about the people I run into.
Just stumbled across this thread. Since joining the Cadre almost 2 years ago, I think the biggest thing I look at differently is how it's possible for people from completely different walks of life to get along and in some cases become good friends. I know this sentiment has been expressed already, but the comraderie (SP?) here is something that I value very much and try to extend to my life outside of The Cadre. I've always had my group of friends, and we have no issues with keeping our own cadre stronk, but now I find myself trying to extend that to people outside of my regular circle. I'm also finding myself just being more considerate in general. Since joining here I don't think I've ever seen anyone involved in a heated argument, no name calling (that wasn't in good fun), no one being excluded for any reason. I've learned that, that can go a long way and should be applied to life outside the internet. I guess to put it simply, The Cadre has made me feel that life is just easier when you're not a jerk!
I've learned that the member count, or even length of time a forum has been operating has nothing at all to do with the quality of the forum. There's a saying in the biker world, "QOQ", which is quality over quantity. I'd like to thank the owners and founders, legacy members, everyone who joined before me, and everyone who joined or will join after me.