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What Are These Spots?


I shave @ FL360
I recently received a puck of Colonel Conk's "Natural" shaving soap, the "Rio Grande Lavender". I haven't yet tried their new natural line in the blue containers, so thought I'd give 'em a shot. When I opened the container, this is what the puck looks like on the top:

What are these white splotches? Is this normal? Is it safe to use? They're on the sides of the puck as well, but not so much on the bottom. Here's a shot of the underside of the puck:

Don’t see how it could be mold. Mentholvwas my first guess, but not sure what’s in those soaps.
The Col Conk natural line boasts that it uses a fraction of the typical amount of preservatives...just enough to keep it fresh on the shelf. Since most of the typical preservatives “preserve” by sequestering moisture my guess is the white spots are the result of moisture. It is very unlikely it is mold, even with out preservatives soap does a good job of staying mold free.

I’m thinking moisture accumulation at some stage of packageing or while on the shelf dissolved the salts which then re-crystallized. The clear(ish) nature of the soap is the result of the soap salts crystallizing in a very specific organized way, the RE-crystallization following the moisture accumulation would have happened in a less organized way resulting in an opaque spot. The moisture accumulation and RE-crystallization can occur inside the soap just as well as the outside.

The presence of menthol crystals in the soap could have been a catalyst for moisture accumulation...or even the source of moisture. Menthol crystals aren’t water soluble but they can hold water within their matrix.
Thanks, Gents. And thanks, CBL, for your insight. I don't think that menthol is in the ingredients. Before I take a brush to this puck, I'll just wash my hands with the soap and see if the spots disappear.
I know you reached out to me. What I'll say is mine does not look like that. Cool Conk actually has pretty good customer service. Perhaps reach out to them?
I have seen those spots from time to time. I was given some home made soap a while back and was told it had something to do with steric acid. I am certain that I have absolutely no idea what I am talking about...and that person probably didn't either. Don't's no one from the cadre!
The Col Conk natural line boasts that it uses a fraction of the typical amount of preservatives...just enough to keep it fresh on the shelf. Since most of the typical preservatives “preserve” by sequestering moisture my guess is the white spots are the result of moisture. It is very unlikely it is mold, even with out preservatives soap does a good job of staying mold free.

I’m thinking moisture accumulation at some stage of packageing or while on the shelf dissolved the salts which then re-crystallized. The clear(ish) nature of the soap is the result of the soap salts crystallizing in a very specific organized way, the RE-crystallization following the moisture accumulation would have happened in a less organized way resulting in an opaque spot. The moisture accumulation and RE-crystallization can occur inside the soap just as well as the outside.

The presence of menthol crystals in the soap could have been a catalyst for moisture accumulation...or even the source of moisture. Menthol crystals aren’t water soluble but they can hold water within their matrix.

I got those same splotches when I didn't rinse hog intestines enough (sorry if you are eating breakfast while reading this post
)and used them as lashings on my flint knives. Like Chris said, the salt re-crystalizes as it dries. Now I rinse them better and don't get that effect, but it looks similar to your splotches on the puck.

I've never seen any kind of soap mold before and didn't think the tallow soaps went bad or rancid but it sounds like others have seen it on the rare occasion.
Who doesn't like sausage?

I won't eat anything that's not cooked with a natural casing! I've handled so many different animal parts with making primitive stuff that I try to remember that others might get grossed out.

If you ever want to clear a room at a party, just randomly say this "Hey, did you know that each animal has enough brains to tan its own hide." Yup, that'll do it.
I have a few soaps in the den that have this symptom. Nothing to worry about, it is not mold nor does it interfere with performance.

If the soap is a softer consistancy it can get small bits stuck in your brush, but with a soap like Col. Conk that is a glycerin type soap no worries.
Thanks, Gents, for the input. I used the soap to wash my hands the other day, and the spots disappeared. And they have not re-appeared since then; looks like a normal puck of soap now.