The Shaving Cadre

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What about grass?


Master TSC Shave Member
You know, the synthetic stuff that people and replacing their lawns with?

Curious to know what others think? This is clearly a first world problem. First of all we live in SoCal, a virtual desert. Not to mention sky high water costs currently. We'll see if it's even available going forward. So, the plan is currently to live here till they carry us out. :oops: Existing lawn was new when the home first sold in 1980; we bought it in 1982. The lawn has always had grub worms, as has the rest of the neighborhood. In the last few years we are over-run with squirrels and bunnies. Numerous other livestock including 2 golden retrievers, 2 English bulldogs, ants, lizards, spiders, etc. There's a question coming; hang on. Some of the neighbors have put in synthetic lawns in the last couple years. Personally, we don't like the look, it's very hot (black rubber backing absorbs and retains heat), oh (!), and BTW it costs 5 times more than real grass. Probably looking to upgrade / clean up the landscaping in the next couple years.

Question: (I told you I'd get there), What experiences have TSC-ers had? What's your thought process been? What did you end up doing and why? All replies are appreciated!!
I get no satisfaction mowing and caring for my lawn. I know some guys obsess over it. Best thing I did was invest in a Rachio sprinkler controller to pay attention to the weather and determine when it's best to water. And also paid a local company to do the weeding and fertilizing they come once a month. So now all I do is mow it weekly. Next spring I will be adding his mowing service. A synthetic lawn? NO THANKS! As a referee I work on a lot of turf fields and those suckers GET HOT!!!!
I get no satisfaction mowing and caring for my lawn. I know some guys obsess over it. Best thing I did was invest in a Rachio sprinkler controller to pay attention to the weather and determine when it's best to water. And also paid a local company to do the weeding and fertilizing they come once a month. So now all I do is mow it weekly. Next spring I will be adding his mowing service. A synthetic lawn? NO THANKS! As a referee I work on a lot of turf fields and those suckers GET HOT!!!!

Excellent! Perhaps what I seek is confirmation bias. You have stated my feelings exactly, and I agree! (y)
Excellent! Perhaps what I seek is confirmation bias. You have stated my feelings exactly, and I agree! (y)

YUP! Don't get me wrong. I do other "dad" things. I like to embarrass my kids in front of friends, drink beer outside while telling people to get off my lawn and don't you dare park in front of my house if you aren't visiting me!, crack a few beers while running the ole grill, and yes I do like the lawn to look nice! BUT I despise doing the work. I get much more satisfaction working in my garage, and taking the family fishing. For me it's worth the cost to have someone else do it.
YUP! Don't get me wrong. I do other "dad" things. I like to embarrass my kids in front of friends, drink beer outside while telling people to get off my lawn and don't you dare park in front of my house if you aren't visiting me!, crack a few beers while running the ole grill, and yes I do like the lawn to look nice! BUT I despise doing the work. I get much more satisfaction working in my garage, and taking the family fishing. For me it's worth the cost to have someone else do it.

Amen, brother! (y)
I know it costs a TON if you get anything that actually looks like grass. Otherwise, might as well get landscaping that looks pretty without grass because in my opinion the fake stuff just looks silly.
I tried so hard to go the zeroscape route. Megan said, "kids need grass" So ya know just another argument I lost
Well here grass just combusts and we have a real water problem. Even with the really expensive turf the problem is it gets so hot here you’ll burn your feet off so it’s just easier to sweep rocks and look at cactus