The Shaving Cadre

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We've all been there... What's your worst shaving related injury??


“I am the Grail Razor Hunter”
We've all been there.... What's your worst shaving related injury??

This topic came to mind after a neighbor, who I'm helping to get set up with wetshaving let me know he managed to slice open his thumb with his new safety razor. He said that he got up early yesterday morning and for some reason even unknown to himself, picked up his safety razor and checked to see if there was a blade with his thumb! I was absolutely amazed at the gash he managed to give himself!!!

So there it is, we've all done something dumb while learning or even when just being absent minded.. What's your story??
I'll go first....

Some of you know this story, but I'll tell it again anyways:

My Russian speaking mother-in-law was visiting from Belarus after my son was born. Liliya is a little jumpy and spastic as it goes, but for some reason when my wife decided to take my son for a walk in the stroller, it freaked her out! Well, for some reason, she barged into the bathroom jibber jabbering in Russian, while the swinging door banged off the wall. I was so startled while making a XTG pass with my Morris Red Imp 5/8, that I made a slight slicing motion and slashed my left cheek open about half an inch away from my ear. The cut was about an inch long and about 1/4 inch or more deep... I bled super bad and the only thing that would stop the bleeding was pressure and a lot of it! I REALLY SHOULD HAVE gone to the doctor for stiches, but ended up using liquid Band-Aid, because we had a wedding to go to that night! I ended up getting some infection which caused it to take over a month to heal and now I have a decent scar to go with it.

Otherwise, I haven't had too many misadventures with shaving other than the standard small nicks and minor cuts... THANK GOODNESS!

Though, with restoration, comes some pain.... I've sliced myself under my index fingernail several times and that's a painful one, thankfully @Fenster set me up with some cut resistant gloves, so I haven't been cut in some time!
Two - when I first started noggin shaving with DE razor - I was lacking good technique and I used an Edwin Jagger DE 89 which was too light for me. I carved a gash in the back of my head like the San Andreas fault

The other is when my son Aidan started shaving - I though using the Leaf razor would be the easiest for him to learn - not taking into account this really expensive razor was so cheaply made (Great design, extreme poor execution). One if the pins that enabled the head to “float” broke and the head popped off (he was using very little pressure - my hand was over his). It caused a gash on his face - he still has a small scar.
Two - when I first started noggin shaving with DE razor - I was lacking good technique and I used an Edwin Jagger DE 89 which was too light for me. I carved a gash in the back of my head like the San Andreas fault

The other is when my son Aidan started shaving - I though using the Leaf razor would be the easiest for him to learn - not taking into account this really expensive razor was so cheaply made (Great design, extreme poor execution). One if the pins that enabled the head to “float” broke and the head popped off (he was using very little pressure - my hand was over his). It caused a gash on his face - he still has a small scar.
Poor guy, I hope he wasn't too traumatized! I hope you contacted the people at leaf about the failure!
My worst while shaving was the time I sliced my earlobe with my Feather SS and Feather Pro Blade. I could not get it to stop bleeding for a long time. the cut was not that bad, it just would not close up.

The nastiest cut I have given myself was while honing. I lost focus and got careless and managed to slice the tip of my index finger very deeply. I probably should have gone to the emergency room but was not sure how I was going to explain to the folks at work how I cut my self honing a straight razor while at work. :whistle: So with a lot of pressure, peroxide, antibiotic ointment and a bit of Superglue I got everything under control.
Stupid me one time was wondering why I wasn't getting as close of a shave as I wanted. Getting ready for pass 4 I decided to hold the DE flush on chin and move it left to right. Almost went in for stitches on that move. I got a nice scar there now though.
Early in my wet-shaving journey I was standing at the sink and holding the DE razor when I accidentally dropped it. Of course my immediate reaction was to reach out with my other hand and catch it before it could hit the floor - which meant I caught the blade edge and gave myself a nasty gash on my finger. The scar joined a few others.
My worst while shaving was the time I sliced my earlobe with my Feather SS and Feather Pro Blade. I could not get it to stop bleeding for a long time. the cut was not that bad, it just would not close up.

The nastiest cut I have given myself was while honing. I lost focus and got careless and managed to slice the tip of my index finger very deeply. I probably should have gone to the emergency room but was not sure how I was going to explain to the folks at work how I cut my self honing a straight razor while at work. :whistle: So with a lot of pressure, peroxide, antibiotic ointment and a bit of Superglue I got everything under control.
I remember when you got that cut, it looked nasty!!! Glad you're all healed up!
The worse was with a cart razor. My wife had dropped it and put it back. What she didn't realize was that the plastic holding the blade had broken.
I went to shave (didn't even look at the razor) and dragged the exposed corner of the blade across my cheek. I sliced a 3 inch long, 1/4 inch deep cut down my cheek.
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry!

Shaving your butt cheeks - is that an Alabama or Navy thing😂?