The Shaving Cadre

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Vintage or New?

I posted this in another forum last night to basically the same question.

I find merits in both modern and vintage.

My Timeless Titanium is my favorite and most commonly used razor, but vintage razors also are great.

Getting a great shave from an Old Type that approximates my father’s age is special. My C4 birth quarter Flare Tip Superspeed is always out and around at birthday time. I celebrate my brother’s birthday with my E4 Fatboy from his birth quarter. On my mother’s birthday the ball end NEW LC comes out. The Goodwill #164 for its Art Deco look is also fun to use.

I hardly even think about my Merkur 34c as it is nowhere near my Timeless or ATT as modern razors, and has nowhere near the fun or memories evoked by my vintage razors. But I keep it mostly because it was my reentry into this hobby.

I am hoping my soon to arrive Janus will provide the best of the modern day razors and the sense of history of the Toggle it was modeled after.

Truly, there is no correct answer to the modern vs vintage debate.
this sub-forum since it has more loafers, ne'er do wells, wisenheimers & assorted riff raff,

Not sure if I'm a wisenheimer or riff raff, but here's my two cents: I recently bought a Vector SE razor, which is modern. For the 11 months preceding its arrival, I used a vintage Schick injector. My three DEs are vintage. Right now, the new Vector gets the nod, as it is an excellent razor. However, I love my 1946/7 Aristocrat, which gives me the best combination of closeness and smoothness imaginable. DEs, even modern ones, are decidedly old school, which is what I sought when searching for a better shave.

So I'm about 50-50. I judge a razor by the shave, irrespective of its age.
Only modern razors here. I didn’t care for the vintage Gillettes I have tried in the past (super speed and an OC, not sure what model it was).
I no longer own any modern razors. Only tried a few modern razors but was never impressed enough to keep them. haven't tried the expensive ones though
What do you mean by expensive? Have you tried the 6S? Happy to loan you that or the RX or Vector if you’re interested.
What do you mean by expensive? Have you tried the 6S? Happy to loan you that or the RX or Vector if you’re interested.
He is the outlier that didn't like the Vector................................but he's from Arizona................I don't know what that means either..........
What do you mean by expensive? Have you tried the 6S? Happy to loan you that or the RX or Vector if you’re interested.
No i haven't tried the 6S, though i suppose that isn't in the expensive category.

He is the outlier that didn't like the Vector................................but he's from Arizona................I don't know what that means either..........

I liked it. I just didn't think the price was justified compared to what i had.