The Shaving Cadre

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Varmint problem

This little pest was seen in our backyard today. It likes to mess with our dogs. It’s annoying to have the holes all over the place, but it’s somewhat entertaining to watch the pups chase it from hole to hole.
Well I finally had success with the ‘have-a-hart’ trap. Turns out the beast under the shower is/was a modest sized rat, not a monster sized ground squirrel. I’m actually quite shocked that it turned out to be a rat, not only because there is not other evidence outside the shower pan but also because none of the Traditional rat mitigation techniques worked. There are probably more of the little rodents under the shower but a second and third night of attempted trapping resulted in nothing more being trapped. I think I may have hear a bit more rustling about this morning so perhaps tonight will be more successful.

My success brings up an important problem regarding the live trap, rather than calling it ‘have-a-hart’ they should call it “what-do-I-do-now?” I caught this nice mommy? rat (it appeared rather tame...why not? It has showered with me for months) that once caught I had to DO something with. Fortunately I had a solution for this ONE rat but I doubt I should consider the same action acceptable for subsequent catches. What did I do? My son had an issue on the road where a driver cut him off then proceeded to attempt to force him off the road. My son ended up being able to follow this guy home because it turned out this guy lived about a block away from us. My son was pretty ticked off and bent on returning the favor with fresh eggs ...I was strictly opposed to such destructive vandalism (truly, eggs are horribly destructive, far more than a way to express frustration) ... but releasing an apparently friendly, shower loving, rat on his lawn is an act of kindness, kind of like saying “hey, no hard feelings friend. Have a rat as an expression of my eternal gratitude”. If my snake were much, much, larger I suppose I could feed a catch to him/her but that’s not an option. Have-a-hart?
Well @CBLindsay justice has been served. Hope he didn't have a doorbell camera lol.

As to my varmint problem we the guy came and killed 4 of the buggers at least. They came to the surface gasping for air or were right at their hole before asphyxiation did them in. Went in on it with my neighbors so the price was cheaper too.
Well I finally had success with the ‘have-a-hart’ trap. Turns out the beast under the shower is/was a modest sized rat, not a monster sized ground squirrel. I’m actually quite shocked that it turned out to be a rat, not only because there is not other evidence outside the shower pan but also because none of the Traditional rat mitigation techniques worked. There are probably more of the little rodents under the shower but a second and third night of attempted trapping resulted in nothing more being trapped. I think I may have hear a bit more rustling about this morning so perhaps tonight will be more successful.

My success brings up an important problem regarding the live trap, rather than calling it ‘have-a-hart’ they should call it “what-do-I-do-now?” I caught this nice mommy? rat (it appeared rather tame...why not? It has showered with me for months) that once caught I had to DO something with. Fortunately I had a solution for this ONE rat but I doubt I should consider the same action acceptable for subsequent catches. What did I do? My son had an issue on the road where a driver cut him off then proceeded to attempt to force him off the road. My son ended up being able to follow this guy home because it turned out this guy lived about a block away from us. My son was pretty ticked off and bent on returning the favor with fresh eggs ...I was strictly opposed to such destructive vandalism (truly, eggs are horribly destructive, far more than a way to express frustration) ... but releasing an apparently friendly, shower loving, rat on his lawn is an act of kindness, kind of like saying “hey, no hard feelings friend. Have a rat as an expression of my eternal gratitude”. If my snake were much, much, larger I suppose I could feed a catch to him/her but that’s not an option. Have-a-hart?
I'll have to post a funny experience I had tomorrow or when I have time............
Well @CBLindsay justice has been served. Hope he didn't have a doorbell camera lol.

As to my varmint problem we the guy came and killed 4 of the buggers at least. They came to the surface gasping for air or were right at their hole before asphyxiation did them in. Went in on it with my neighbors so the price was cheaper too.
That’s cheating. ...I still think blowing them up would have been fun though.
It’s great you captured the vermin! In Ohio there are strict rules on disposal of same. I assume Cali is something similar.
It’s great you captured the vermin! In Ohio there are strict rules on disposal of same. I assume Cali is something similar.
I am sure there must be rules but I am not aware of them. I didn’t even think we had real rats in the desert where I live.