The Shaving Cadre

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Things That I do To Annoy Myself


TSC Yoda
Concierge Emeritus
Sorting / Reorganizing the shave den - I realized that I bought the same exact aftershave twice. This is not one of those cases where I love the scent so much and the brand, or that there is a chance that the product may not be reproduced after a run that I have to make sure I have I have stock for the Zombie apocalypse. Nor is this a case where I love a genre so much that I want as many interpretations as possible (like Colonia type scents or Cola) …………no this is a case from my beginning as a shaving and fragrance hobbyist where I did zero research and didn‘t realize that the two “artisan“ brands were not only owned by the same person - but the product itself is the same exact thing just in slightly different label bottle. and the ironic thing is that I don’t particularly love the scent to begin with lol! So I am the proud owner of both Sphinx Beard Ecstasy and Alexandria Fragrance Zion. Since I am that stupid - I might as well go out and see if Dua has a Roja Dive Elysium Dupe aftershave and get the trifecta.

My first shave soap was modern Williams, and I powered through a full bottle of Clubman early on. Things have gotten much better since then. :ROFLMAO:

I started keeping a shave den inventory a few years ago, so I always know exactly how far I've gone overboard. :cool:
My first shave soap was modern Williams, and I powered through a full bottle of Clubman early on. Things have gotten much better since then.

I started keeping a shave den inventory a few years ago, so I always know exactly how far I've gone overboard. :cool:
Funny thing. Williams and Clubman counts as a great shave combo for me these days. I use them over a lot of more expensive gear.

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Funny thing. Williams and Clubman counts as a great shave combo for me these days. I use them over a lot of more expensive gear.

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No doubt about it, Chris. I was just having a little fun with everyone.

For full disclosure, I couldn't make a decent lather with any soap when I bought the Williams. I'd probably do OK with it now. However, if I only had a dollar to spend on soap, I'd buy Arko instead. And I always thought it was cool to have a bottle of Clubman in my den, but nobody in the house was thrilled with the scent. Scents are definitely a subjective thing.
And I always thought it was cool to have a bottle of Clubman in my den, but nobody in the house was thrilled with the scent.
I know what you mean - it’s one of my favorite aftershaves - but my daughter always complained - “Dad- you smell like a barbershop “ To which I replied “then it’s right on the mark!” Sometimes family doesn’t appreciate the classics! 😀
I really want to like Clubman...always have. But no matter how much I try I just can't get over that overly (to me) powdery scent. It's a classic that I just can't get on board with.
I know what you mean - it’s one of my favorite aftershaves - but my daughter always complained - “Dad- you smell like a barbershop “ To which I replied “then it’s right on the mark!” Sometimes family doesn’t appreciate the classics! 😀

I really want to like Clubman...always have. But no matter how much I try I just can't get over that overly (to me) powdery scent. It's a classic that I just can't get on board with.
Good morning, Brian and Don!

I actually prefer "classic" products like Tabac, Aramis, Alt-Innsbruck, etc. but many folks don't like those, either. The variety of products available to us, combined with our individual preferences, make this a pretty interesting hobby.

I often tell my Bride I'm going to pick up a bottle of Clubman at the local drugstore just to get her reaction. :ROFLMAO:
No doubt about it, Chris. I was just having a little fun with everyone.

For full disclosure, I couldn't make a decent lather with any soap when I bought the Williams. I'd probably do OK with it now. However, if I only had a dollar to spend on soap, I'd buy Arko instead. And I always thought it was cool to have a bottle of Clubman in my den, but nobody in the house was thrilled with the scent. Scents are definitely a subjective thing.
Oh for sure. And your overall scent selections gain you a whole lot of respect from me. You get extra points for your Aramis affinity.

When I first got in the game I threw minimalism out the window and went full tilt into making sure I can shave comfortable for the next millennium. I think old age (and three kids and college and home repairs and car repairs, etc) are forcing me back towards a minimalistic practices.

Plus, I'm getting crotchety in my pursuit towards the "get off of my lawn" stage of life. I'm starting to like liking things that people tell my I shouldn't. So many anti-Williams threads made want to make it work. You are right about Arko being a better buy. I'm just stubborn.

Plus, I have been blessed with a wife who doesn't mind Clubman, so that keeps me wearing it.

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I try to keep all my internet passwords and pins in my head. When I was young I had the gift of quick and accurate memorization. Partially photographic memory. This made me appear more intelligent than I actually was. Now I am old, forget crap all the time, and insist I am still more intelligent than I am. This annoys me and the people around me.

@SharptoothC They don’t sell Arko at the local drug store. 😉
I wonder what the animal word for my smell is?

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True, but the case of Arko I accidentally bought during a holiday sale because it was so cheap I thought it must be one stick will easily last me the rest of my shaving life. I have given away much of it. My first stick still has probably 75 more shaves in it.

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Agreed. And a caveman can lather it.
I try to keep all my internet passwords and pins in my head. When I was young I had the gift of quick and accurate memorization. Partially photographic memory. This made me appear more intelligent than I actually was. Now I am old, forget crap all the time, and insist I am still more intelligent than I am. This annoys me and the people around me.

@SharptoothC They don’t sell Arko at the local drug store. 😉
I definitely don;t have any memorization skills!