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The Impractically Practical Dreamsheet


TSC Yoda
Concierge Emeritus
Hey my friends, just throwing this out there for fun……I personally keep a running list of things that are on my ”Dreamsheet“ of sorts. For me, these are things that aren’t on the extreme side of “the better life” - these are things there are within reach or at least not so far out there that would be a “wait until I hit the lottery” type of things. Most are impractical - all are definitely in the not necessary side….but I find that someday - hey, I just might like to have one kind of thing.

I was wondering if anyone else out there does the same thing.

Just a quick background on me - I’ve never fancied a luxury car or huge mansion kind of guy (though I’d love to have a personal indoor pool 😂) - and if that is your thing - I will lust with you my brothers - and I appreciate those types of luxuries.……but for me - this dream sheet is more of a hey, if I ever am in a place where there aren’t major bills present - I’d love to pick one up just because. For my list - there are hobbyists that are experts in their area that would tell me that my choices are not “the best” in their respective fields - and I’m ok with that. Just like in shaving - you like what you like and I’m comfortable in my likes - just as I’m comfortable in sharing with my friends - theirs - even if it isn’t my cup of tea.

So here is my list (I’ve excluded my two shaving related items on this list- just because they are more obtainable than these others.

So for starters - I like cool exercise equipment. Right now, I’m fat - I let myself go - but pre-COVID - I was a functional fitness fiend - so I need to take advantage of the many items I have - get myself back into shape - and then - maybe these are more practical…(I have a water rower - I rowed back in college - and I love it - so I need to hit that first.


Now onto coffee……I saw this on YouTube……I am NOT an expresso dude - though I appreciate a good Cappuccino - but since this doesn’t have the milk steamer side.….maybe not as practical - it’s a manual thing - but there isn’t something about it - I “have“ to have it - other than I know that it would be a stupid purchase for me (Even for my impulsive side)….


Now onto the hobby that I think I will take up - I’ve been watching videos for about 6 months on these (after perusing our own TSC thread)……and one of my best friends is into the hobby (though his collection is in the 10s if not 100s of thousands - it is an investment for him)…..

First onto the ones that I would make a first purchase - should I decide….(I love the fact that my love of Stainless Steel for Shaving can translate into this new hobby!)


I love the simple field watch style of the first two……..and the one on the right is a dress watch. First….work for the near future will still be remote - so I haven’t worn a suit in a while (and I need to get in shape to fit back in mine - see top of my list 😂). Most horologists/horophiles would say the Hamilton is the way to go and I really like that look - I’m leaning towards the Victor Inox - I love the Swiss Army Knife thing - I know that they just got into mechanicals - it isn’t practical - and that’s why I love it - and why you have a personal dream sheet - you love what you love and I’m ok with folks thinking I’m bonkers.

The next group of watches are again way impractical and for the hobbyists - not what most would go for, specifically for the price..


I really dig the one on the right - called the Frogman - but let’s be honest - if I’m 200 feet below sea level - please call the coast guard - because I am not meant to be - I just like it in that it is collectible - it is associated with the British Special Forces…..etc….. The middle one …well again- if I am hiking the Alps - or doing one of those Spartan races - - but I love the look. Those two I just discussed - their downfall - rubber straps……So the one on the right - though it can’t tell me the tides like the first and there is no altimeter like the second - love the camo! And the metal handle.

And now for the real - dreaming - one I aspire to…..but are the price of a good used car….


Just love the look, and maybe once my kids are settled and it’s a definite maybe - of course by then - I may have added to my list.
So that’s my impractical, practical dreamsheet - what is yours? I love to hear what others ”dream” about!
My dreamsheet would include a titanium gravel bike (Mosaic, Moots, Litespeed, etc), a Garmin Fenix, a good set of Japanese kitchen knives, and a shed out back that I can convert into a workshop.

Exercise equipment would be nice, but I would need a bigger house first.
That manual espresso is something I looked at last year (or was that 2020?), but couldn't justify the cost.

For me, it would be a 512 core machine, with a couple of TB cache and a few PB of SS storage and loads of MIPS. A chess coach would be good too, and a wonderful, loving wife.

Hey... DING DING DING!!! I've already got one of them ... and it's the best of the three!!! 🕺💃
As @MilkCrate says ... Life is Good!
My dreamsheet would include a titanium gravel bike (Mosaic, Moots, Litespeed, etc), a Garmin Fenix, a good set of Japanese kitchen knives, and a shed out back that I can convert into a workshop.

Exercise equipment would be nice, but I would need a bigger house first.
Those are very cool dreamsheet! I have a friend that just moved to San Diego - he just did a shed conversion - but he made his a stay-at-home office.
3 big ticket items on my wish list right now (remember, I’m a quality, not quantity guy!):

I’d love to go back to owning my own home at some point! This one is probably the most impractical right now, given where I live. I could see it happening here though if we stayed long enough!

On to the more “realistic” things.

One dream item is one of these babies:
As much as I’d like a flyboy Tag Heuer…or even a luxury Jaeger LeCoultre Master Calendar…give me every day functionality classic style! If it was good enough to go to the moon…it’s good enough for me! Only $7 grand!

Last item currently…if Toyota doesn’t make a leap into the electric truck market soon, with something chonky sexy…I may have to hop on board the Ford train.
The Ford F-150 Lightning electric has had my eye since the initial designs premiered. By most account to date, it seems that Ford has delivered on most of its promises for this truck too! I’d settle for the middling XLT or Lariat…just a paltry $75 grand-ish.
When it comes to the exercise gear, hit me up anytime, it's my area of expertise.

Dreamwise, honestly other than the fragrance obsession, I'm pretty simple. We built a great home gym over COVID, I'd like to upgrade one bench and that's about it there.

This year, it's living room remodel. A new couch is on the way, I've been on the floor here since we moved in, so that's kind of a big deal. A functional workspace is next, and maybe a big new TV/monitor.

Getting into a new place someday would probably be number one long term.

One thing's for sure, this year is about making changes, my wife has just gotten out of a pretty rough job situation, I'm hoping her new one will be a better for her.
I'm getting out of one too, and already feel much better after deciding it's what has to happen. Next steps are underway. Most of my big ticket stuff happened last year, with the MacBook Pro I'm typing on now, and matching headphones. Now it's more about some hard graft, and moving forward.
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When it comes to the exercise gear, hit me up anytime, it's my area of expertise.

Dreamwise, honestly other than the fragrance obsession, I'm pretty simple. We built a great home gym over COVID, I'd like to upgrade one bench and that's about it there.

This year, it's living room remodel. A new couch is on the way, I've been on the floor here since we moved in, so that's kind of a big deal. A functional workspace is next, and maybe a big new TV/monitor.

Getting into a new place someday would probably be number one long term.

One thing's for sure, this year is about making changes, my wife has just gotten out of a pretty rough job situation, I'm hoping her new one will be a better for her.
I'm getting out of one too, and already feel much better after deciding it's what has to happen. Next steps are underway. Most of my big ticket stuff happened last year, with the MacBook Pro I'm typing on now, and matching headphones. Now it's more about some hard graft, and moving forward.
Getting life balanced is a great goal as well!
Since you like fitness equipment, and this one might be out of the possibility unless I own a fitness gym...but a guy can dream...right?

I give to you the Stairmaster HIITmill-X Incline Treadmill. "Experience High Intensity Interval Training and enjoy hundreds of training movements and programs in one exercise machine! With the StairMaster HIITMILL-X Incline Treadmill you can do hill walking with and without pushing resistance, reverse hill walking (knee extension), hill running sprints with no pushing, mid and high sled push, low flat back sled push, lateral lunges, reverse pulling (attachments sold separately), and unilateral and bilateral farmers carry."

I'm not big into treadmills...but I could get behind this one, especially for rainy days! It can be yours for a whopping $4,800.00.

Since you like fitness equipment, and this one might be out of the possibility unless I own a fitness gym...but a guy can dream...right?

I give to you the Stairmaster HIITmill-X Incline Treadmill. "Experience High Intensity Interval Training and enjoy hundreds of training movements and programs in one exercise machine! With the StairMaster HIITMILL-X Incline Treadmill you can do hill walking with and without pushing resistance, reverse hill walking (knee extension), hill running sprints with no pushing, mid and high sled push, low flat back sled push, lateral lunges, reverse pulling (attachments sold separately), and unilateral and bilateral farmers carry."

I'm not big into treadmills...but I could get behind this one, especially for rainy days! It can be yours for a whopping $4,800.00.

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That‘s a man’s man treadmill!
Looks like a blatant attempt to get back in the good graces. Of the CEC.
I wasn’t sure if it was the equivalent of a junkie saying “come on man, just give me a little taste” or he’s making his shopping list for April.
Oh, I forgot fountain pens. How could I possibly have done that? The Pinieder Alchemist haunts my dreams.