The Shaving Cadre

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The Cart thread (enter at your own risk!)

19 shaves on the Mach-3 so far. It started needing extra effort mid-week, but the results are still good. It should make it 3 weeks (Sunday) and I will see if I can push it to four.
19 shaves on the Mach-3 so far. It started needing extra effort mid-week, but the results are still good. It should make it 3 weeks (Sunday) and I will see if I can push it to four.
So what you're saying is, we can save money by switching to carts?
Of course I'm tagged in this but lest we forget that @GearNoir shave with his wife's shower razor.

Lol had to get you in here too Chris.

So funny. My neighbor announced that he shaves with his wife's shower razor. Venus I think. He likes it because of all the gel type stuff on the head. Eeeeewwwwwww. Gross. On your face? Never.

I used to go 4 weeks on a single cartridge when I shaved daily with a Mach 3. The last several shaves weren't very good but I didn't know any better back then.
I would say so, @bobmsp . After all, the blade is a component of the detachable & disposable head. Sounds like a cart to me. (y)