The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Speakeasy Wish List

I didn't click on that. Is the answer @CVargo ?

Whenever I try to act classy and drink whisky: gifs
haha chad1.jpg
That is disgusting and a near bannable offense. I am watching you Jaro! 🤪🤮🤮🤮🤬
I know the bearded wonder looks funny for some reason.... :unsure:
I liked the original picture of chad I cropped that from better !!
It's easy to understand the smile on his face in this picture !!👇
Yes you can Legally purchase "absinthe" in the US But you can also order it online from other countries and are Not bound by the silly lower amount of thujone from the wormwood...
This site tells more...

there are some pretty decent versions in the US.. Let me check and see with my wife when she gets home about which brands of US stuff we have gotten and I will let you know.. Remember though that you better really LOVE Licorice flavored stuff if you were gonna get into it....
Absinthe makes for an amazing drink! I need to find a spot here that can make them. Had only found one in Sacramento that could do it.
no offense meant toward anyone @BarberDave or @CVargo or anyone else with any of the post I happened to make today.. Sometimes I can have a warped sense of humor that I should put in check before I post.... I will try to think before I post in the future..