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SOTD 9 - 15 November 2020

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Great soap choice.. SC is often overlooked these days.

Am I correct in remembering the Barbershop not being very barbershop-esque. I want to say it was much more sweet smelling? Obviously it's been a while, lol.
It’s not a bad soap at all.... I think the guys who flock to the latest and greatest wouldn’t care for it though. Much left to be desired post residual slickness, but it doesn’t bother me as I slap on a balm then splash. 🤷‍♂️
Scent wise, it’s almost identical to Maggards London barbershop. I don’t think it’s sweet, I’m not sure how to explain it well... maybe more green or earthy smelling, at least as much as you would find in the barbershop genre.🧐
Plus they have been around a long while, support good causes, and that 6 oz lasts forever 👍

Transition day shave. Today ended a 20 year career, and began a part time adventure at my daughters elementary school allowing me to give more focus to my family and the ministry.

Razor: Karve SB-B brass
Blade: Spoiler (3)
Brush: Brad Sears Ebonite badger
Soap & Splash: B&M Vespers
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Transition day shave. Today ended a 20 year career, and began a part time adventure at my daughters elementary school allowing me to give more focus to my family and the ministry.

Razor: Karve SB-B brass
Blade: Spoiler (3)
Brush: Brad Sears Ebonite badger
Soap & Splash: B&M Vespers
Wow! Huge congrats Andy! I hope this new chapter is very rewarding for you!
It’s not a bad soap at all.... I think the guys who flock to the latest and greatest wouldn’t care for it though. Much left to be desired post residual slickness, but it doesn’t bother me as I slap on a balm then splash.
Scent wise, it’s almost identical to Maggards London barbershop. I don’t think it’s sweet, I’m not sure how to explain it well... maybe more green or earthy smelling, at least as much as you would find in the barbershop genre.
Plus they have been around a long while, support good causes, and that 6 oz lasts forever
Ahh, thanks! I must be remembering a different one. I had a few samples when I made my first order from SC (year and a half ago, maybe?). One of them was sweet, and I didn't expect it. Lol.

I agree, a good bargain and plenty good performance. Not the best, but I don't recall having any problems with my tub of Vision. Also, if I recall (this is how infrequently I use any one of my soaps), it get slicker (not more diluted) with added water... Thirsty SOB.
Friday AM 2020-11-13

Rooney 1/1 Ivory Finest (22/45)
Penhaligon's Castile shaving cream (vintage)
Haircut & Shave P076-SB Titanium
Personna 74 Tungsten (9)
Penhaligon's Castile aftershave (vintage)
Ahh, thanks! I must be remembering a different one. I had a few samples when I made my first order from SC (year and a half ago, maybe?). One of them was sweet, and I didn't expect it. Lol.

I agree, a good bargain and plenty good performance. Not the best, but I don't recall having any problems with my tub of Vision. Also, if I recall (this is how infrequently I use any one of my soaps), it get slicker (not more diluted) with added water... Thirsty SOB.
Not as thirsty as I’m used to at least. Last night I added less water than my usual suspects and it performed better.... I’m guessing there isn’t a wide margin of water error with SC? 🤔
It seems they make them there fancy pants soaps idiot proof ( no offense meant, just saying, the newer bases don’t require voodoo, black magic, sacrifice, etc. to work as intended .... Williams, Mitchell’s wool fat, I’m lookin’ at you!😡)
Sat 14th SOTD
Soap Catie's Bubbles Irish Coffee
Brush Yaqi 24mm Sagrada Familia
Razor Gillette Fatboy F4
Blade Gillette London Bridge 4th
Post & Aftershave
Ice Water + Special Thayers Mix
Hyaluronic + Clubman Whisky Wood
Excellent soap! Super nice scent suitable for a lazy weekend. Creamy and slick too...
Shave with an excellent razor paired with excellent blade was very nice! Settings at 9-wtg, 7-xtg, 7-atg & 5-some buffing. Smooth and comfortable for a mostly bbs to dfs result. Excellent post & aftershave especially with Whisky Wood for a looong lasting scent. Unexpected creeper so rating 9.5/10 otherwise would have been perfect.....
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