The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun


Now THERE'S a guy that would eat muffins while wearing chaps!
The secret word (Chaps) has been uttered so I will now announce the announcement. Chad wanted to wait 4 more days but once “chaps” was said we decided to up the schedule a bit. Using Chaps And muffin in the same post almost broke the internet, but the Abbot and Costello video returned things to normal.

Announcing the announcement ....
in 4 days we will be launching the “muffinless chaps” thread. That’s right folks, no blueberry, no poppy seed, lemon or chocolate...NO muffins but plenty of chaps. This thread will be accompanied by the “Chapless muffins” thread which will be launched 6 days from now unless someone used the secret words “pumpernickel” and “pickle” in the mail call thread. If the secret words are used properly we will scrap the whole chaps and muffins thing and start over with a scooby doo thread that will have started 7 days prior to the “something” thread. It’s more complicated than it sounds but believe me it’s not worth it.
Next year we will be introducing the graham cracker club, a club dedicated to guessed it, muffins. The club will meet in the SOTD section every evening and post in the SOTN thread every morning. Participants in the club will drink coffee while listening Banda Prosecco (the third cousin twice removed of meneudo) on their Walkman. The official uniform of the club is parachute pants and cut off muscle shirts with Hightop shoes and fanny-packs. Mullets are encouraged but we understand if you opt for ANY other hairstyle.

i hope announcing this early didn’t spoil anyone’s day...Carry on.
I'm so ready for the Graham Cracker Club....... I love Banda Prosciutto!!!
