The Shaving Cadre

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So I bought a barber's collection!


“I am the Grail Razor Hunter”
BAM! I'm pretty excited about this lot! I there is a lot of work to be done, but I'm pretty happy. I am really excited about the Williams Tonsorial, I know CBL likes this stuff, so hopefully I will too. There are several nice brushes which will likely become members of my den, the NOS rubberset and a stubby silver tip rubberset which for some reason I didn't take a picture of. I've never used a Gilllette, Sheraton, but I have high hopes. I've never really been one to collect shaving mugs, but I think I've hit my stride..... The 3 military issue handle-less mugs are really heavy and kinda cool. Unfortunately all the straight razors were not in very good shape.... Though there i one rusty crusty 7/8 Wade and Butcher that needs a lot of work, but may become a nice razor after some elbow grease and new scales.
Dang!!! That is the definition of a great score!
4 Fatboys, 2 Slims, 4 Super Adjustables, and an Aristocrat for the win!

Awesome score! Have fun cleaning those razors up.
Dang!!! That is the definition of a great score!
It really was, and the barber who sold it to me couldn't have been a nicer guy. Thanks

Congrats on hitting the mother load !! Tonsorial Williams is some seriously slick stuff.
Thanks, I can't wait to try it!

4 Fatboys, 2 Slims, 4 Super Adjustables, and an Aristocrat for the win!

Awesome score! Have fun cleaning those razors up.
I think cleaning them up is my favorite part of picking them up!
Wow, that's a great score! Congrats!!!!! I'm thrilled you were able to get it! Please keep us posted on the cleaning & trying out of everything.
That's a seriously impressive haul....You should do a thread/video series of the rehab for the gear in this. Would be very interesting!
That's a seriously impressive haul....You should do a thread/video series of the rehab for the gear in this. Would be very interesting!
Thanks a lot! That's a great idea, assuming my wonderful wife would be willing to hold the camera.

Great haul Luecke! Hope you can breathe some life back into them!
Oh, I'm going to for sure, but it will take a long time to clean it all. Totally worth the effort though!

Wow, that's a great score! Congrats!!!!! I'm thrilled you were able to get it! Please keep us posted on the cleaning & trying out of everything.
Thanks! I'll post some before and after shots. A bunch of it is stuff I've used before, but there are some things I haven't used. I'll likely do a video or series of photos.
Hokey Smokes! What a great instant den collection! Look forward to more features as you clean and discover the coolness you acquired!
Nice PIF...... I'm in!

Seriously a great score. The Sheraton is a great razor just make sure the safety bar is straight. The OC is famous for getting bent out of shape.
That is a huge score. The pack of Williams Tonsorial is a win, the assorted razors are a win, the old spice collection (and NOS soap in a cup?) is a win. WOW. SOOOO much good stuff. Did you score that locally?
That is a huge score. The pack of Williams Tonsorial is a win, the assorted razors are a win, the old spice collection (and NOS soap in a cup?) is a win. WOW. SOOOO much good stuff. Did you score that locally?
Thanks so much!
Semi-locally, he and his wife are from Humboldt, TN. I spoke with him a week earlier and he said he wouldn’t ship it to me, so I wrote it off. Then on Friday he let me know when they were traveling through St. Louis to visit a sick relative. Somehow it worked out that they basically delivered it to me. We met up at a police station near my house, a 4 min drive for me and 4hrs for them. It never should have worked out that way!
That is one awesome score!
Thank you, you know what they say about blind squirrels and pigs!
Nice PIF...... I'm in!

Seriously a great score. The Sheraton is a great razor just make sure the safety bar is straight. The OC is famous for getting bent out of shape.
There will be a PIF eventually lol
Thanks! The Sheraton is in great condition!!
I know right!?!?!?!
Serious booty!
No joke, I felt like I robbed them.....
Hokey Smokes! What a great instant den collection! Look forward to more features as you clean and discover the coolness you acquired!
Unfortunately I already have a den likely 2 times this size.... what was I thinking????? Oh yeah, “I want me some Williams Tonsorial, a nice Sheraton, some fat boys, some old spice stuff, and a bunch of other stuff I don’t need, but I’ll enjoy cleaning up.