The Shaving Cadre

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Shelf Space

Maybe you need to consider building a hidden room that opens with a secret lever. Out of sight then. A little off topic, but since we are talking about bathrooms, if I had all the money in the world I thought it would just be hilarious to build a public rest room as the bathroom guests use. Put a really fancy door on it and when they open it they are expecting something really high end but instead they get the average public restroom set-up complete with urinal & hand blow dryer / sign that says "Employees must wash hands".
Ok, sorry, I have a strange sense of humor.

Brilliant! Strange sense of humor, yes, but brilliant!
I live between Phase II and Phase III...the struggle is real and the fight with She Who Wears The Pants is never ending!
This is phase II. Good luck!

Phase I - Assuming you won't buy that much stuff for shaving and trying to cram it all into the space you have.

Phase II - The spouse notices you're making the best with what you have and decides they can give up a little space since you're enjoying yourself.

Phase III - You start hiding soaps in different rooms because you outgrew your extra space in a matter of days and live in fear the spouse will run across them.

Most excellent!
She has been telling people that I'm not allowed any more soap unless I get rid of some because I'm not allowed more shelves. She doesn't know I clear a stack to under the sink or elsewhere occasionally to make shelf space for incoming. She should know better then to give me ultimatums ?
She has been telling people that I'm not allowed any more soap unless I get rid of some because I'm not allowed more shelves. She doesn't know I clear a stack to under the sink or elsewhere occasionally to make shelf space for incoming. She should know better then to give me ultimatums ?

Any time I have gotten the eye roll. (which is often) I just hit her with the "What? It's not like it's porn, drugs or betting on the horses"
\n\nAny time I have gotten the eye roll. (which is often) I just hit her with the \"What? It\'s not like it\'s porn, drugs or betting on the horses\"
\nI reminder her how I haven\'t spent even close to what my bike sold for. This is a cheaper hobby by comparison. ???
Ah, I was going to ask which of the three you had to give up.

Of those almost all.. Except the occational bet during Saratoga.
Now this does not include the shelved fishing rods, bike and shotguns. I just don't get around to using those. They don't count.
Ok Dave, you asked for pictures so I'll post them here as well. I put a pic in my shaving journal, but I figured I'd put one in here as well. Not quite a shaving den, but a good start.
