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Shelf Space


First Responder
My wonderful wife (no she's not looking over my shoulder right now
has recognized my need for space in the bathroom cabinet. I used to occupy 1/6 of a shelf in the cabinet. That pushed to 1/3 as I had soaps and stuff all piled on top of one another. She asked me if I wanted my own shelf. Whuuuu? Really?! So now I've been able to spread out.....I think it's safe to say I'm down the rabbit hole.

I have to find time to forge something to hold my razors so they are not clanking around on the shelf. I also want to forge something to hold my brushes. Those I leave out on the counter so they dry well. Moist and in the dark of a cabinet probably isn't a good combination so I always leave them out on the counter after drying off on the towel with a few brushes.

Just thought I'd pass on the good news!
This is phase II. Good luck!

Phase I - Assuming you won't buy that much stuff for shaving and trying to cram it all into the space you have.

Phase II - The spouse notices you're making the best with what you have and decides they can give up a little space since you're enjoying yourself.

Phase III - You start hiding soaps in different rooms because you outgrew your extra space in a matter of months and live in fear the spouse will run across them.
This is phase II. Good luck!

Phase I - Assuming you won't buy that much stuff for shaving and trying to cram it all into the space you have.

Phase II - The spouse notices you're making the best with what you have and decides they can give up a little space since you're enjoying yourself.

Phase III - You start hiding soaps in different rooms because you outgrew your extra space in a matter of months and live in fear the spouse will run across them.

Dave is spot on. I am hard into Phase III. I only keep one Razor,one Brush and Soap (maybe two) on the shelf at any one time hoping the change in hardware goes unnoticed. All the rest kept in my closet. Not that I am hiding anything. She is free to go look there anytime she wants. But out of sight, out of Scowl's way.
\n\nDave is spot on. I am hard into Phase III. I only keep one Razor,one Brush and Soap (maybe two) on the shelf at any one time hoping the change in hardware goes unnoticed. All the rest kept in my closet. Not that I am hiding anything. She is free to go look there anytime she wants. But out of sight, out of Scowl\'s way.
\nI like that, \" out of scowls way \"
Pretty soon you are going to be muttering about that jerk that got you started down this hole in the first place.
Pictures or it didn't happen !!!!!

When I get it finished I promise I'll take pictures.

This is phase II. Good luck!

Phase I - Assuming you won't buy that much stuff for shaving and trying to cram it all into the space you have.

Phase II - The spouse notices you're making the best with what you have and decides they can give up a little space since you're enjoying yourself.

Phase III - You start hiding soaps in different rooms because you outgrew your extra space in a matter of months and live in fear the spouse will run across them.

Wow, I'm at Phase II already eh. So far my wife is really ok with it so long as I only spend my hobby money on it. She commented the other day how she hasn't had to buy cart razors since I started this whole venture down the rabbit hole.

Pretty soon you are going to be muttering about that jerk that got you started down this hole in the first place.

Naw, never Shawn. I'm getting the best shaves of my life and I owe it all to the guy who offered me the red pill or the blue pill
Phase IV- you have so much stuff you have no empty space in the house to hide any more
Phase V- You partner with a couple other guys in a similar situation to start a FORUM and convince your spouse all the stuff you've hidden from her is part of the business

For those still looking for space to store stuff I recommend getting under your bathroom sink and looking up. There is space to the side of the sink bowl to build a small shelf to hold soaps. If placed high enough and installed while your spouse is out of the house you can add at least 30 new tubs of soap under a double sink.
You are going to fill any allowable space. It's inevitable. So when you get a new shelf, it's juts a matter of time before you run out of space again, and need more room. Shave dens, like goldfish and reptiles, do not grow to the size of their enclosures, despite the common belief to the contrary.
You are going to fill any allowable space. It's inevitable. So when you get a new shelf, it's juts a matter of time before you run out of space again, and need more room. Shave dens, like goldfish and reptiles, do not grow to the size of their enclosures, despite the common belief to the contrary.

I have the shave gear and a reptile both growing and in need of more space lol. Reptile is probably getting a bigger home first though
My Spouse Unit ceded me some space after a small avalanche occurred when she peeked into my half of the cabinet.
Chinese water dragon. We had no idea what we were getting into as the person at Petco had zero clue what they were talking about but we are committed to making sure it gets what it needs.
Chinese water dragon. We had no idea what we were getting into as the person at Petco had zero clue what they were talking about but we are committed to making sure it gets what it needs.

Cool. I'm more into snakes than I am lizards.
Phase IV- you have so much stuff you have no empty space in the house to hide any more
Phase V- You partner with a couple other guys in a similar situation to start a FORUM and convince your spouse all the stuff you've hidden from her is part of the business

For those still looking for space to store stuff I recommend getting under your bathroom sink and looking up. There is space to the side of the sink bowl to build a small shelf to hold soaps. If placed high enough and installed while your spouse is out of the house you can add at least 30 new tubs of soap under a double sink.

Maybe you need to consider building a hidden room that opens with a secret lever. Out of sight then. A little off topic, but since we are talking about bathrooms, if I had all the money in the world I thought it would just be hilarious to build a public rest room as the bathroom guests use. Put a really fancy door on it and when they open it they are expecting something really high end but instead they get the average public restroom set-up complete with urinal & hand blow dryer / sign that says "Employees must wash hands".
Ok, sorry, I have a strange sense of humor.

But we need to see all phases, works in progress are fun

Ok, ok, I'll have to shoot a photo and post it. Not a shaving den by any means.