The Shaving Cadre

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Ruby Red Creeper

Well then. Sorry for the share guys. retrospect, it isn't all that family friendly. Sorry again guys.
No need to be sorry Don. You didn’t market it or make the video. Their lack of care it seems for what is gentlemanly puts me off. It isn’t even about not family friendly it’s just plain indecent to use some of that language.
I'd actually like the thank @dangerousdon for posting the promo-video. Without it, I thought that THB was a high-priced, high-culture product and company. Now I understand that it is a "Hey, look at how gimmicky and out to lunch I am" kind of company. Over the top promos turn me away. I think that I'll save my money for our fine vendors here.
I'd actually like the thank @dangerousdon for posting the promo-video. Without it, I thought that THB was a high-priced, high-culture product and company. Now I understand that it is a "Hey, look at how gimmicky and out to lunch I am" kind of company. Over the top promos turn me away. I think that I'll save my money for our fine vendors here.
I skipped this release only because I have two creepers already and did not need another one.

As far as the video goes, as someone who has been a fan of the Holy Black brand as a whole for a couple years now, I can guarantee that it was intentionally over-the-top and ridiculous for humor's sake. I found it funny in an eye-rolling kind of way, but I can also completely understand how much it may turn some people off. It certainly wasn't intended as an actual "promotion" of the product or the brand. THB is one of those brands where you either enjoy or you don't.

That being said, they sold 300 sets in about 5 minutes, And I love (LOVE) every product I have ever gotten from them.
I'm just getting around to seeing the video, I saw the earlier post about the pending release of the newest creeper. The Video was a bit "interesting", certainly a unique way to market a ruby red scented shaving product. I guess I don't have a real grasp of their brand and what they are going for. I kinda thought I was getting the biker vibe but I also got the steampunk cowboy who knows. I don't begrudge anyone, artisan or big business the opportunity to flex their imagination or to market in unique or creative ways. I give pretty wide latitude when it comes to what i will allow in marketing before I become so offended as to formally boycott. I am much more sensitive to individual character and individual behaviors, I am much more likely to "boycott" a brand based on personal interaction or observed behaviors of those in charge.

What did I think of the video? My first thought was "why?" They have 300 sets to sell and they go out and produce a film that took a good amount of creative effort , time and energy. The film did little to further the brand name or image, not did it describe the product ...which it obviously didn't need to do because the buyers were lined up ready to buy. The video did nothing to motivate me to be a customer of THB or to buy the creeper line and it seems based on what i've read here it may have created more division than hype. I have no doubt it is as Jim described, a tongue in cheek production made just because they had the time and talent to make it happen. Clearly it wasn't needed (or intended) to actually create sales.

What do I think of THB? I can't say anything one way or another really. I have never used their soap or AS, the only products I've used have been the pomades and those have been ok. I have to give credit where credit is due, THB is (as far as I know) the first to put the 'creeper' coolant into a shaving soap. If they had not done that and created the buzz I most certainly would never have been pushed to create the ghost line. Having never used the creeper line I had to rely on feedback from those that had used it then build on that. I give huge props and credit to THB for going there. The synthetic (Koolada) that they use is not cheap and they took a huge risk in doing what they have and for that I applaud them. The synthetic coolants were made to be used in shaving products long before they made their way into menthol cigarettes and vape pens, it's a "cool" thing to see them making their way into shaving soap today whoever is doing it. Perhaps, if we are lucky, we will see more of the synthetics showing up in our favorite soaps.
Perhaps, if we are lucky, we will see more of the synthetics showing up in our favorite soaps.
Phoenix Shaving (PAA) is releasing a product called CHEL, which is a synthetic cooling agent gel that can be used to amplify the coolness of any existing shave soap without changing the scent. Apparently you just squirt some in the lather bowl. They say you can also use it as a pre shave all on its own.
Phoenix Shaving (PAA) is releasing a product called CHEL, which is a synthetic cooling agent gel that can be used to amplify the coolness of any existing shave soap without changing the scent. Apparently you just squirt some in the lather bowl. They say you can also use it as a pre shave all on its own.
If i understand correctly THB used only Wilkinson;s Sword synthetic cooling agent 23, (Koolada). The WS cooling agents were developed and approved for use a long time ago but were mostly used in cigarettes, gum and toothpaste. Wilkinsons sword was looking for a menthol that had no scent so they could include it in their aftershaves and colognes without adding the minty scent. The cooling agent used by PAA (Frescolat ML or Menthyl Lactate is actually far milder than menthol but has no scent and does last a little longer. It is also common to cosmetics because (like many other "lactate" products") it has moisturizing properties. I have not used the CHEL product but I question just how much the Frescolate can amplify an already menthotated soap, a non-mentholated soap? sure, It's going to give it a little tingle but more the likes of a peppermint foot rub than the cryogen hell on earth chill.
I’ve been known to sprinkle some WS-23 in some soaps for a chilly treat. A tiny jar of those crystals goes a long long way!