The Shaving Cadre

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Lisa's Natural Herbal Creations
Artisan Retailer
I see a lot of you have Eric's brushes. Tell me your favorite and why. Anniversary is coming up.
My two favorites are the TSC Legacy with the Fan Tuxedo Synthetic and the Padauk Cashmere Synthetic. Mostly just because the handle grain and shapes are the most beautiful and functional together. I have a badger and a boar both coming to total 5 of his brushes for me.

Honestly you can not go wrong. Find a handle design on the net and pm a pic of it most of the time he can recreate it and then pick an awesome exotic hardwood and a knot of your choice set how you want it. Yep pretty sure you can have SE the sky as a limit. Hope this helps
So far I just have the Cadre Member brush with a Cashmere knot and love how soft it is and still has good backbone. He is making 2 more for me right now out of the hybrid blanks. 1 will be a synthetic and 1 is an Envy Shave Luxury Badger knot. He makes great brushes and gives extreme attention to detail and quality. He will communicate with you and make whatever and however you want while at the same tame giving guidance to help you get what you are wanting if you let him know.
I did contact him and he sent lots of info, just trying to decide which knot.
Knots opens up a whole different can of worms. I was at one point completely against badger knots. Now that I have two really nice ones I actually like them and see their purpose. I am still really really partial to boar knots but I own the most synthetic knots of different shapes and feel. Not really sure that helps but wow knots is a subjective thing and each person gets a different experience from the same knot.

but to answer the question the Fan tuxedo synthetic and the Cashmere are still my favorite two Sorrentino brushes just judging off of the knots. The Cashmere holds lather like nobody’s business and the tuxedo is just awesome all around.
Definitely a can of worms with knots haha. I like a good badger or boar, but can't stand synthetics. I even have a really good Muhle synthetic, but I just do not like them.

For me a good dense badger is perfect. Although a nice broken in boar can be a pleasure to use also.
The synthetic knots offer a good selection and value. They also don’t require soaking which some people like. Eric’s finishes are very good so soaking shouldn’t be a problem.
Me personally, I would go with a nice 2 band badger. A premium handle and a premium it. Of course the bigger or fatter knots go best with big ol badger knots.
I have ONLY two of Eric's brushes. One from early on in his brush making career and a TSC member brush. What I like about Eric's brushes is the great attention to detail. And...he doesn't break the bank either! Sounds like you are already there though. As stated above...knots are going to be a preference thing. You can't really go wrong with a Tuxedo, Cashmere, or Badger. I will say...the best thing I did with the TSC member brush was to have Eric put a badger in it. More affordable than you think also!
What does the person it's for like now and why? Is it you or your husband?
yes, he only has a badger. It wasn't an expensive one, but he likes the performance....loads easily, soft but with backbone.
Knots opens up a whole different can of worms. I was at one point completely against badger knots. Now that I have two really nice ones I actually like them and see their purpose. I am still really really partial to boar knots but I own the most synthetic knots of different shapes and feel. Not really sure that helps but wow knots is a subjective thing and each person gets a different experience from the same knot.

but to answer the question the Fan tuxedo synthetic and the Cashmere are still my favorite two Sorrentino brushes just judging off of the knots. The Cashmere holds lather like nobody’s business and the tuxedo is just awesome all around.
thanks, all the info helps clear the muddy water.
Thanks everyone for all the great opinions and Insights, I appreciate it.
I have 1 boar, 1 synthetic, & 2 badgers. I prefer the badgers considerably more than either the boar or synthetic. The badgers are a 22mm TGN fan knot, & the 24mm is a high mountain bulb.