The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Ramblings of a MilkCrate

Great stuff, Tim. I have a tub of Abbate Y La Mantia shave soap in a different scent, though I've been curious about Krokos.
Never knew there was such a thing. Enjoy your shaves!
Yes sir. Not a full blown scuttle, just big enough for a lathered brush.


Shave Count (DE: 466 SE: 9 SR: 642)

Pre Shave-
Strop: Tony Miller Plain Vanilla
Scuttle: PAA Brush Warmer
Splash and go

Razor: Solingen SR
Blade: none
Brush: SV/TSC LE Badger
Soap: SV Opuntia

Post Shave-
Post shave lather
AS: SV Opuntia

The Process-
Opps, grabbed the wrong setup today and it was so nice. I was originally going to use Krokus, but it was a great mistake. Didn’t hit the exact shave that I wanted, but I am DFS for the win! Also got my staples out today. Life is good!

Psych ... you weirdo
"Wind Jammer" is the one Avon frag I haven't been able to find. How is it?
It started kinda spicy and started to open up and then I lost it. My nose is messed up today. PM me your address and I’ll shoot you a sample.

Shave Count (DE: 466 SE: 9 SR: 644)

Pre Shave-
Strop: Tony Miller Plain Vanilla
Scuttle: PAA Brush Warmer
Splash and go

Razor: Solingen SR
Blade: none
Brush: Yaqi Badger
Soap: Krokus

Post Shave-
Post shave lather
AS: Avon Windjammer

The Process-
Lunchtime shave! That’s right friends and neighbors, I way overslept today and had to push my shave back some. Thankfully I am still working from home at the moment. Went with a 20 second load time and probably could have dropped that down even more. This whipped up a really nice lather too. I may have mentioned it, but I can see the bottom of the tub in one section. There is still plenty of soap for maybe a week or two of shaves.

On the strop. 10 laps on cotton and 40 laps on leather. I went with my standard three passes of WTG, XTG and ATG with no drama to report. Another very nice shave and I am BBS for the win! The edge on this razor was just a smidge crisp when I started using it, but has really smoothed out with stropping. I also had a lot of lather for a post shave too.

Wrapped everything up with a quick rinse and pat dry. I followed that up with a splash of the aftershave and everything was right as rain! Man, these lunchtime shaves are nice too. Kinda like wiping away the morning work fog. Life is good!
There have been a few times in the last month that I've done lunchtime shaves as well, and totally agreed, it's a great way to break up the work day! WFH certainly has its benefits.