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Porch Pirates

Saw on the news and still don't se how this helps the problem. At best they get a picture. Police still won't want to follow up......
That is engineering genius at work. The human race can be a sad, sad beast.
It may not be a viable solution to a problem, but it did cause a great deal of laughter in my house, and for that I cherish it.
Really torn on that video.

I admire the ingenuity.
I'm disgusted by the need.
And even though my daughter is dating a very nice kid that happens to be a police officer, disgusted that traffic tickets have priority over a trespass and felony theft case.
That was a fun video. I just wish it was something more harsh than glitter and fart spray. Maybe if the police actually ran the sting/investigation, they could prosecute these scoundrels. People no longer have respect for others possessions or property any more.
I just think it's sad we live in a time when people think nothing of stealing other people's stuff like that. 30 years ago people never locked their doors and would have laughed if someone was worried about getting their package stolen from their front porch.

I can see some porch pirate suing the homeowner though. Little Johnny's parents get upset and hire a lawyer because Johnny inhaled the glitter & has PTSD now when around unopened packages
It may not solve a problem in whole...but I doubt the thief will be back to this guys house.
And I've seen news reports with video of delivery people going back and taking said packages. Times are a changing for sure......
If I wasn't so far off the road I would think about it too. Can't even see my door or packages from the road (y)
Unfortunately, I'm on an S-curve on a busy street so hundreds of cars drive right toward my front door every day. My temporary solution is to put a big opaque storage bin on the porch so they won't see the package.
we have bushes that block the view of our front door which i love but my wife hates the bushes and wants to rip them out...
Unfortunately, I'm on an S-curve on a busy street so hundreds of cars drive right toward my front door every day. My temporary solution is to put a big opaque storage bin on the porch so they won't see the package.
That’s a good idea. I saw a video of using a trash can for deliveries
Yea, pictures don’t do much for delivery drivers that are brainless. Half the drivers I get stick packages on the front area of the porch, visible for all the world to see.