Funny you mentioned saving money, I was watching a YT video the other day and the dude starts dropping "fountain pen math" went something like this..."so if you buy a fountain pen for $20 and a 50ml bottle of ink for $15, then you're in for a total of $35 right and you have approximately 50 refills of ink in that bottle. Compare that with buying a decent gel pen that will cost about $2 a piece, so if you bought 50 of the gel pens (the same number of fountain pen refills) it would cost around $100, so if you think of it that way it's cheaper to buy a fountain pen.". So after thinking about that for a while, I said yep, that sounds familiar, so it must be right. Lol.@Fenster i'd like to welcome you to this rabbit hole over here.... no not that one that one is whiskey.... nope not that one that one is wetshaving (it saves you money!), nope wrong hole that one is muscle cars its real deep!, yes that one right there welcome to fountain pens