The Shaving Cadre

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Paladin Brushes (Bring um out)

Can I jump in with my one humble Paladin that I won in a PIF a several years ago?

\nLove that Chief. Is that new? Also how do you like the Moe?
\nThe Harlequin Chief was my 1st one that started the journey. The Moe is nice but the Beehive and Lime Lotus feel best in my hand. As far as retirement us common laborers know we\'ll never really retire. I\'ll enjoy them for now and later greet people at Walmart with a clean shaven face ????
As far as retirement us common laborers know we'll never really retire. I'll enjoy them for now and later greet people at Walmart with a clean shaven face

Nice starter set. Post again when you have one of each colour.
I got a new Paladin yesterday. A late Christmas present. One of the elusive Kansas City - London Paladins. Sorry, I didn’t have time to take a pic before I left. You’ll have to wait a bit to see it... and I’ll have to wait a bit to use it. ?
I got a new Paladin yesterday. A late Christmas present. One of the elusive Kansas City - London Paladins. Sorry, I didn’t have time to take a pic before I left. You’ll have to wait a bit to see it... and I’ll have to wait a bit to use it.

Introducing the LBKINDY Paladin Strike Team. Its primary mission: to seek out soaps and creams, convert them to lather, apply and exfoliate. It's secondary mission: Look Cool!

From left to right (in order of team seniority) you will find:

28 mm Chief in Moon Java. Code name: Ten Bears
28 mm Buck Rogers in Lapis Lazuli. Code name: Twiki
28 mm Atlas in Graphite. Code name: John Galt
28 mm Lotus in Aurora Ebonite. Code name: Bodhi
28 mm Lotus in Denim Ebonite. Code name: Dharma
