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Our Crazy Dreams

Yeah I hated posting a couple of the pics But you should have seen some of the pics that came up ( other than the girls ) when you type in construction worker glitter thong !!!!
They were absolutely SCARY !!!!!! I felt like I needed to pour bleach in my face ! And at least I added the blue box.....
@NurseDave : you know I'm a RRN (Retired Registered Nurse) so, even though I'm still paying for a license, I am not real active in the "trade" anymore, but my true love was Psych Nursing.....with your help I'm pretty sure we could get PLENTY of volunteers to ring @Jaro1069 's phone once every 5 minutes at night to keep him from sleeping. No idea where he lives, but if we show a Doctor from the state he resides in this thread, I'm willing to bet cash money we could get a Dr's order to keep him awake. Or possibly an involuntary committal for 72 hours of observation?

My eyes are still hurting. Not sure if it's the Covid or the images burned on my retinas....

Thanks Jaro..... Sweet dreams my friend! (For OUR sake!)
No real weird or bad dreams last night , But I did have a few where we were all living in basically a harry potter novel. We were All wizards and witches.. That was kind of a fun dream... But full disclosure I got a sharp pain in my left lower front side about 2 hours before bed time that it had me doubled over in excruciating pain almost to the point my wife was about to take me to the hospital.. It eased up before I went to bed and I took 2 Tylenol PM and a 3 mg melatonin and went to sleep.. I don't really remember anything after laying down and setting the alarm clocks.. I guess the meds knocked me out..... I'm still hurting some but it might just be because I hurt so much last night...
No real weird or bad dreams last night , But I did have a few where we were all living in basically a harry potter novel. We were All wizards and witches.. That was kind of a fun dream... But full disclosure I got a sharp pain in my left lower front side about 2 hours before bed time that it had me doubled over in excruciating pain almost to the point my wife was about to take me to the hospital.. It eased up before I went to bed and I took 2 Tylenol PM and a 3 mg melatonin and went to sleep.. I don't really remember anything after laying down and setting the alarm clocks.. I guess the meds knocked me out..... I'm still hurting some but it might just be because I hurt so much last night...
Keep an eye on your temperature.
But I did have a few where we were all living in basically a harry potter novel. We were All wizards and witches.. That was kind of a fun dream... But full disclosure I got a sharp pain in my left lower front side about 2 hours before bed time that it had me doubled over in excruciating pain almost to the point my wife was about to take me to the hospital.

sounds like the cruciatus curse - ya learn that in your first year you halfblood.
I've had some crazy dreams, but how about recurring dreams? I have one. Something or someone bad is trying to attack me and I draw my handgun and begin squeezing the trigger harder and harder and nothing is happening then suddenly it shoots at the last minute hitting the bad guy. I have this dream all the time and man it is unnerving. You know your life depends on that handgun firing and man you just don't think it's going to happen.

Sorry, no dancing TSC memebers or village people :LOL: I do have very detailed dreams though - like radios playing in the background, pictures on the wall, and totally made up people I've never seen before. The mind is an amazing thing!
I've had some crazy dreams, but how about recurring dreams? I have one. Something or someone bad is trying to attack me and I draw my handgun and begin squeezing the trigger harder and harder and nothing is happening then suddenly it shoots at the last minute hitting the bad guy. I have this dream all the time and man it is unnerving. You know your life depends on that handgun firing and man you just don't think it's going to happen.

Sorry, no dancing TSC memebers or village people :LOL: I do have very detailed dreams though - like radios playing in the background, pictures on the wall, and totally made up people I've never seen before. The mind is an amazing thing!
You do know they say that you have seen everyone in your dreams before. It might have only been while sitting at a red light or something but the image of them is still there....
I have had some weird dreams over the years. Especially when I was back in my 20's through mid 30's when I drank a little heavier.

I still have them occasionally though. Actually had one last week, but can't recall it now.

I'll post the next one I have here.
You do know they say that you have seen everyone in your dreams before. It might have only been while sitting at a red light or something but the image of them is still there....
I've always heard this too and I've also heard that many dreams are incomplete thoughts your mind is working out at night so it can rest and deal with things that are too stressful to deal with while awake.