The Shaving Cadre

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Our Crazy Dreams


TSC's Cheerleader
Thanks to @Spider mentioning crazy dreams it got me thinking . . Lets tell our crazy dreams... ( Lets keep it G-Rated )
Okay I will start it off... Thanks to @Spider mentioning crazy dreams I was the victim of some very bizarre dreams last night.

1st.. I was being chased by the Russian Mob and Colombian Cartels because I leaned against a Russian mobsters van by accident.. Well after what seemed like hours of being chased and captured and tortured and escaping and seeing half of the countries historic Colleges burned to the ground in the battles I finally was assisted By Tony Soprano and the rest of his people and we proceeded to "Take Out" over half of the Russian mob and Colombian Cartels... Then Tony puts his arm around me and said "come on we got you." and I woke up..
2nd.. The next dream included our very own @CVargo !! Well Chad decided he wanted to be the next Walt Disney and opened up around the world a new theme park called Shave World And Shave Land ... Well he also had another secret empire, HE was The KING of The Porn Industry !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3rd... Finally the 3rd one Also included our very own @CVargo again but this time he and his wife became trapped in their water tight basement and a pipe burst starting to flood the basement and we all came together to try to save them ....
Okay those are 3 that I had last night thanks to @Spider mentioning dreams.......
Who's Next?
I will need to write down my dreams I usually forget them after about 30 min
I guess that's good for you. Especially since I know that the weird ones can be unnerving sometimes.. I think some of the allergy meds I take seem to cause weird dreams because I seem to frequently have them when I take certain brands.. I have 4 different brands I use that I switch between during allergy seasons and some seem to really evoke weird dreams more than others...
I've had a couple lately, basically life like before COVID, and then I remember there's COVID and freak out because I've been in contact with lots of people.
Especially since I know that the weird ones can be unnerving sometimes.
I love the weird ones. I wish I had them every night. It's free entertainment!

I think some of the allergy meds I take seem to cause weird dreams because I seem to frequently have them when I take certain brands.
When I deployed to Africa, they gave us anti-malaria meds, and mefloquine was reported to give people lots of crazy/borderline psychotic dreams/nightmares. I was sooooo looking for ward to that. Unfortunately the only side effect I got from them was insomnia. I couldn't sleep while taking them at all, and had to be switched to a different drug, doxycycline.
I don’t recall having any strange dreams in years.

But what I really want to know is what my dog is dreaming about. We live a simple life in the country and she hasn’t been exposed to anything traumatic that I know of. But sometimes with her violent twitching and noises, I suspect she is having a nightmare.

Something to ponder. With the whole Freddy Kruger movie thing, die in your sleep and you die in real life. Hm. Your brain doesn’t know you are asleep, so to it your dream is reality.
Okay had another CRAZY dream and no offense to anyone of our members here ( it was just a dream ) !!!!
It started our like an in person gathering but it happened at the last house in my subdivision , well we were all sitting around chatting and some of you were drinking and others were just sitting around not really saying much.. Well KJ @Spider was there along with Amber @Ambalance and you two were talking to everyone and Dave @NurseDave was there and he was the STRANGE one at that point in the dream because he was a GAY Construction worker and looked like he was straight out of the Village People !! He kept flirting with absolutely EVERYONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then I think it was Dave @BarberDave who appeared next and he started taking people out of the room to give them shave gear and musical instruments ( mainly guitars ) Except for Amber who he gave like this HUGE oversized TUBA !! then @NurseDave starts talking about having to get back to work the next day building a house or something and then @dkeester starts talking about D & D and you guys and gals all become Deadly serious and start teaming up and building barricades to make areas where you can make strategies about how to defeat everyone and for some reason spider turns into venom and is carrying a flame thrower and Rocket launcher and then as you guys get ready to play I woke up !!!!!!!!!
There were others there too but the ones I mentioned stood out because of their craziness !!!!
Edit... I forgot to mention , when the gaming started KJ got very Mean to everyone and like I said he turned into Venom but had the personality of BIFF from the Back To The Future movies and everyone was referred to as a butt head......