The Shaving Cadre

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One razor for life

This is a very hard decision. I have many favorite razors for many reasons. Narrowing down to one is practically impossible, that is, in real life, I could never do it.

My top contenders are:
Gillette Fatboy
Blackland Vector
Weck Surgical Prep Open Comb SE
Rockwell 6S
Personna Floating Head Injector

I actually had to think long and hard on this, to actually narrow it down to one razor. The way I rationalized it was this.... if the Zombie Apocalypse happened and I was given just a few minutes to pack my bag and go, and I just had time to grab one razor and go, which would I grab? When presented like that, the answer became a little simpler for me. Granted it’s a bit situational and there are a few factors in play there, but I would absolutely grab....

The Gillette Fatboy

That’s a tough call. I’d go vintage all the way though.

Gillette Old Type
Gillette Slim
Henckels SR
J Allen SR

But if I could only pick one, I would go with the Henckels for ... reasons. That one takes stones. So in the event of a zombie apocalypse I could also use those to bash skulls. Uh ... too much?
Merkur 39C "Sledgehammer" for me!


Probably my Garibaldi. It's my second favorite razor, but it's easier to hone than my first, and it shaves like a #13. If I hav to limit myself to just one, I should be able to keep it sharp.

The way I rationalized it was this.... if the Zombie Apocalypse happened and I was given just a few minutes to pack my bag and go, and I just had time to grab one razor and go, which would I grab?
Nobody believes that you don't already have a Zombie bag ready to go.
This is a very hard decision. I have many favorite razors for many reasons. Narrowing down to one is practically impossible, that is, in real life, I could never do it.

My top contenders are:
Gillette Fatboy
Blackland Vector
Weck Surgical Prep Open Comb SE
Rockwell 6S
Personna Floating Head Injector

I actually had to think long and hard on this, to actually narrow it down to one razor. The way I rationalized it was this.... if the Zombie Apocalypse happened and I was given just a few minutes to pack my bag and go, and I just had time to grab one razor and go, which would I grab? When presented like that, the answer became a little simpler for me. Granted it’s a bit situational and there are a few factors in play there, but I would absolutely grab....

The Gillette Fatboy

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Since we share some commonalities in razors, I think I have to get a Fatboy, lol.

I'd have to say my one razor would have to be the Rockwell... Especially since it could be considered five razors. A little rule bending never hurt anyone... Maybe? Lol.

I balk at selecting the Lupo, since it's not as versatile or smooth. I could have easily chosen the slim, but if this is a desert island thing, the slim could break... And much easier than the Rockwell would. Then I'd have to shave with a broken shell of a coconut or something.
Especially since it could be considered five razors. A little rule bending never hurt anyone... Maybe?
You mean 6.... ;) But that was also part of the rationale for me grabbing the Fatboy. It's adjustable so it's more versatile.
Then I'd have to shave with a broken shell of a coconut or something.
I've cut my hand on broken coconut shell pieces before. They are sharp. I bet you could grind it down and put an edge on it!