The Shaving Cadre

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The popular artisan company Holy Black uses a similar synthetic agent in their Creeper line, which many folks enjoy.
I am thinking about a CBL Ghost soap but I am still uncertain about the W-23 cooling agent. Seems like some kind of sketchy chemical. I see it is used in vaping products. The idea of that cooling feeling lasting longer sounds great but is their a cost?
The original origin of the WS cooling agents is actually Wilkinson’s Sword, they developed a number of cooling agents that had no scent so they could be used in aftershave products. They developed most of them in the 70’s, cigarettes were the first to use some, toothpaste and mouthwash have some of the WS agents too. The Ws-23 has been in use a LONG time but it wasn’t until the 90’s (I think) that the WS12 was finally added to the GRAS tables and approved for use. It only took a long time because very few places were using or considering ws12. I still think regular menthol has more of a punch upfront but the WS agents offer a more user friendly and longer lasting cool. I will eventually do a menthol/Ws combo, I just need to experiment more.

and yes, Chad is right about the food usage. WS-23 has been used in baked goods and candies FAR longer than it has been a vape additive. I pity the fool who tries to use WS12 in vape, I get the powder on my fingers and put one in my mouth and it hits so hard I can almost not breath. Turns out the capsaicin in hot peppers is an antagonist for the WS agents. I used this knowledge to my advantage when I munched on a jalapeño Pepper, it definitely provides relief.