Today was my first shave using the Osprey. I must admit I was really looking forward to it. I have previously given my initial visual review of the Osprey when it was received. This will be the shaving experience.
Shane recommended that if you use the Blackbird, a setting 6 is a good starting point. I was a chicken, so I used around 5.5. The other items is used were a new CaYuen brush (wonderful tool), pre wash with PAA Cube, the CaYuen domino bowl and a brand new unknown razor blade that I have had the honor to test. I can't divulge the name, but, I can say it is every bit as sharp as the Feather and much smoother. This was its 2nd use. The soap was SV Opuntia and the A&E Spartacus as an after shave with alum block and witch hazel. The star of the show was the Osprey. Loading the blade is easy and setting the initial number on the wheel is also simple.
With the first stroke, I was amazed at how smooth the razor and the blade were. The weight of the razor was perfect, with the brass insert. The design of the handle was perfect for holding even with wet sudsy hands. I kept the setting at 5 through out the 3 pass shave. I had 2 days of growth, not terribly heavy or coarse, just normal stubble. The razor went through the first pass with such efficiency that all the hair was nearly gone. Looking back, I probably should have done only a WTG AND ATG passes and that would have been enough. 3 passes and I did need to do some buffing. This experience indicated to me to increase the setting next time to 6 or 6.5. I stayed on setting 5 all 3 passes and buffing.
This is embarrassing, but I just stopped to feel my face. So smooth, I love it.
So, my inexperienced, non professional opinion. I leave that to @Glazeboker, snd others far more experience and mechanically knowledgable than I.
The Razor is beautiful, well balanced and a wonderful shaving machine. It is easy to use and clean. Numbers on the wheel, already beat to death in other posts. I shave with my glasses on, if I didn't, I wouldn't see the razor let alone the numbers. With glasses on, the numbers are visible and not an issue.
I am not going into gap measurements or blade exposure comparisons, I am not qualified to do so. But I will say this. After only one shave, I can say that the Osprey is a winner and a potential GRAIL candidate.
PROVISO, THIS WAS ONLY MY FIRST SHAVE WITH IT. Need more experience with it. So for those of you considering this tool, I do recommend it, especially with the 30 day return policy that Blackland has. That policy shows me that they have a great deal of pride and confidence in their products, as well they should.
Very good read and congrats on your Osprey acquisition.