The Shaving Cadre

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National Selfie Day, Let's put faces with names

Marie, Melanie, JoAnne and Aiden tried with every thing they had to keep yours truly and Brian @Scuttlesoap from ‘buying everything in sight’ on this Black Friday.

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We outsmarted them and made our purchases before our Day After Thanksgiving meal.

Electric service went down shortly after our guests arrived. Thank God the menu called for things done on the grill and gas stovetop.

Great food and fellowship.
I want to thank @Bill M and his beautiful wife and daughters for the most wonderful time! They were the most gracious, kind, and welcoming hosts a person could ask for - and Aidan had his first pumpkin pie that I can remember.

Oh, and a tip of the cap to the chef - though challenges of a power outage were abound - he found a way to cook half baked pototoes!


A grill cures everything!
@Bill M yoy look great man the weight-loss seems to be working well. May I suggest some new jeans
Thank you.
Those WERE some old/lost/forgotten inventory of some “slimmer days pants” the Lovely Mrs. Morgan came up with somehow.
I just bought 2 more for in the next size down, one for work and the other I should have gotten out and worn to the photo shoot. I had nothing in inventory going back that many years.