The Shaving Cadre

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Musical Instruments

Haha. Love Joe Bonamassa!! He's kinda part of the reason for my longing for and purchase of the '51 Tele. I understand that his was stolen.
Haha. Love Joe Bonamassa!! He's kinda part of the reason for my longing for and purchase of the '51 Tele. I understand that his was stolen.
Joe’s dad has a music store not far from here and Joe is pretty much a hometown boy. I have known him since he was a kid and worked on the Bloodline Tour which never really got off the ground. Promotional stuff through a now defunct recording studio where I worked called Ultramedia. I think he got that Tele back. Joe will talk for hours about a pick-up that he harvested from a vintage Gretsch which he traveled to Europe to buy, ad Infinitum…Consummate gear head.
Joe’s dad has a music store not far from here and Joe is pretty much a hometown boy. I have known him since he was a kid and worked on the Bloodline Tour which never really got off the ground. Promotional stuff through a now defunct recording studio where I worked called Ultramedia. I think he got that Tele back. Joe will talk for hours about a pick-up that he harvested from a vintage Gretsch which he traveled to Europe to buy, ad Infinitum…Consummate gear head.

Very cool! I first learned about him when he and his dad were on 60 Minutes. Followed him as he grew up. I go to see him whenever he's playing in SoCal.
Very cool! I first learned about him when he and his dad were on 60 Minutes. Followed him as he grew up. I go to see him whenever he's playing in SoCal.
I think he lives out there now. Dude is so focused it’s like he lives in another dimension. All business. You get your money’s worth.
Haha! Found the Jane Pauley video...

Pretty sure you're right about him living out here. He talks about never knowing about some of the local venues and living in LA area.
Joe’s dad has a music store not far from here and Joe is pretty much a hometown boy. I have known him since he was a kid and worked on the Bloodline Tour which never really got off the ground. Promotional stuff through a now defunct recording studio where I worked called Ultramedia. I think he got that Tele back. Joe will talk for hours about a pick-up that he harvested from a vintage Gretsch which he traveled to Europe to buy, ad Infinitum…Consummate gear head.

My friend, who is a much better guitar player than me, is obsessed with Joe Bonamassa. He has a huge print of him playing the most beat up tele in the world in his music room.
Just discovered a new (to me) guitar string company:

Stringjoy | Custom Guitar Strings & Bass Guitar Strings

Stumbled across them and from what I've read, they're the real deal.
Most of the reviews are from country musicians and they can be tough critics. So if these are as good as they've claim, I may be a convert.
I'm ordering some this weekend.

Anyone else tried these or even heard of them?
Just discovered a new (to me) guitar string company:

Stringjoy | Custom Guitar Strings & Bass Guitar Strings

Stumbled across them and from what I've read, they're the real deal.
Most of the reviews are from country musicians and they can be tough critics. So if these are as good as they've claim, I may be a convert.
I'm ordering some this weekend.

Anyone else tried these or even heard of them?
I have not. But the prices are competitive, so no harm in trying.
If you haven’t already, familiarize yourself with this gents work. FWIW, he could be the GOAT. I give you Danny Gatton.

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Just discovered a new (to me) guitar string company:

Stringjoy | Custom Guitar Strings & Bass Guitar Strings

Stumbled across them and from what I've read, they're the real deal.
Most of the reviews are from country musicians and they can be tough critics. So if these are as good as they've claim, I may be a convert.
I'm ordering some this weekend.

Anyone else tried these or even heard of them?
A close friend of mine plays guitar professionally and has an endorsement with Stringjoy. I forget how he stumbled upon them, but he swore by them even before the endorsement. Their longevity is really good (especially if you’re not playing as much as he does) and you can customize the gauges however you want which he really likes. He’s been using them for about 5 years now. He gave me a few sets to try out. They lasted forever but I’m not playing 4 nights a week like he is lol.