The Shaving Cadre

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Military Guys...

Because it was required and no one ever heard of Identity theft then. Obviously I wouldn't do it now.
But I don’t understand the purpose. At what point in the process we’re you putting it on? Like, outgoing when you dropped it off? And where? I don’t understand any of this.
But I don’t understand the purpose. At what point in the process we’re you putting it on? Like, outgoing when you dropped it off? And where? I don’t understand any of this.
Okay...I guess I stated it wrong. All incoming mail had to have your SSN. Seriously! I cringe and laugh at the whole situation now.
In the Canadian Military you put your Social Insurance Number (SIN) on everything. We didn’t have serial numbers and that was a unique identifier to you. Plus as a DS you got to ask people what there SIN was and if they couldn’t added up all those numbers and multiplied by 10...and then you pushed down the earth for your sins. :p I was Army in the late 80s and punched out early 2000s...later on we had Service Numbers...and you had to memorize those too.
Okay...I guess I stated it wrong. All incoming mail had to have your SSN. Seriously! I cringe and laugh at the whole situation now.
Ok, so when mom sent you a letter, she had to put your number on it?
Your SSN was your service number in my day, but it changed while I was in.
My SSN was also stenciled on my first issue duffle bag.