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Low Clove Bay Rum AS


First Responder
Hey Cadre!

I'm looking for suggestions on a low clove Bay Rum AS. I recently tried CC Bay Rum and the clove scent is just way over the top for me. I have a really good sense of smell and taste and some things like clove scent I can only tolerate in subtle amounts. I really love the Bay Rum Mystic Water shaving soap because it's really low on the cloves. I figured with all this experience in one solid place that you all would point me in the right direction. Thanks
AA Bay Rum is supposedly made without any clove at all. Hopefully Tim chimes in.

I think Superior 70 Bay Rum is really light in scent, as is Master Bay Rum, but I’m not a sensitive to the scent unfortunately
AA Bay Rum is supposedly made without any clove at all. Hopefully Tim chimes in.

I think Superior 70 Bay Rum is really light in scent, as is Master Bay Rum, but I’m not a sensitive to the scent unfortunately

What’s AA Bay Rum?

As above, S70 and Master are the best, no clove scent Bay rums.
Atomic Age from that company you don't purchase from
Atomic Age is from Phoenix Shaving. They make great products, but have done some controversial things in the past. I don't have a problem with them but there are many around who won't go near them. They have several bay rum products, both soap and AS. None of their bay rums have clove in them.
None of their bay rums have clove in them.

Captain’s Choice doesn’t have any clove in it either, but it still smells clovey. Apparently bay and clove are in the same family or something like that. So depending on the source of the Bay oil, some of them have a natural clove scent.
Great information everyone. Thank you! That's a good point KJ, I never would have put clove in the same family as bay but it makes sense. I've added a few of the suggestions to my Christmas list to try. The Superior 70 looks like a good economical choice.