The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun


How are you my former good friend @TobyC ? I've missed your inane (is that a werd?) comments in OTHER place(s) very much. Truly.
in•ane ĭn-ān′

  • adj.
    Lacking sense or substance.

  • Empty; void; especially, void of sense or intelligence; senseless; silly.

  • Synonyms Frivolous, puerile, trifling.
Hey! :mad:

:cool: Still above ground my friend, can't complain I guess. Did you get the iron boot, or just a trip to the principles office?
Did you get a belt for that "Ruger GP100 in .357"?

Looks like you're still at that place.
I'm still welcome everywhere, I think.

But I live for skating on thin ice ya know. I just had my little girl shorts in a wad over another shut down thread. I'm stupid like that.
Hey. No comment. I'm still a respected member there.

Ok, let me rephrase.

Hey. No comment. I'm still a member there.
I never did deserve much respect!

Before you know it, I won't be welcome anywhere! I've got family that blocked me on FakeBook!
yeah i try to not cause trouble over there and stay away from any controversies.....
I'm still welcome everywhere, I think.

But I live for skating on thin ice ya know. I just had my little girl shorts in a wad over another shut down thread. I'm stupid like that.
They kicked me to the curb long ago, feels good to be free.
Well we try to be very accpeting here. But we are going to draw a very hard line here! Absolutely NO and I mean NOOOOOO pictures of you in those shorts.
My lovely War Department has threatened quite a few times to get rid of my shorts, and not for a good reason, as far as I'm concerned, lol.

There is a reason she has a "lights out policy"..... and it ain't because of any chance of an air raid!

She is also the reason youse guys ain't ever gotta worry about any videos of me shaving without a shirt on!

She even makes me take a shower with my bathrobe on!