The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Looking forward to be Banter.

Welcome to TSC Sharp! What gear are you into now?

Razor: I only DE now. For a three year period I solely shaved with a Tradere Gen 2 OC. I had a Gen 1 I never used and SB that was a little to mild so I sold it.

I thought I lost the Gen 2 at a hotel so went out and got a Blackbird OC. Fell in love with it. Sold the 2 traderes and got another Blackbird but SB.

Looking to aquier a Paladign 17-4 and Wolfman and/ and or Charcoal Goods. That should put my Rad in check. Though honestly could live on the BB's alone.

For brushes: I mostly use 2 bands though I am waiting on a Simpson 58 Manchurian to be delivered.

Blades: I am a fan of Bolzano, Kia, Feather, PolSilver and Prosanna Red. Don't ask me why I have all those.
Welcome aboard Sharp's.

I had a few of the SS soaps but have since passed them along. They are without a doubt enjoyable.
\n\nRazor: I only DE now. For a three year period I solely shaved with a Tradere Gen 2 OC. I had a Gen 1 I never used and SB that was a little to mild so I sold it. \n\nI thought I lost the Gen 2 at a hotel so went out and got a Blackbird OC. Fell in love with it. Sold the 2 traderes and got another Blackbird but SB. \n\nLooking to aquier a Paladign 17-4 and Wolfman and/ and or Charcoal Goods. That should put my Rad in check. Though honestly could live on the BB\'s alone. \n\nFor brushes: I mostly use 2 bands though I am waiting on a Simpson 58 Manchurian to be delivered. \n\nBlades: I am a fan of Bolzano, Kia, Feather, PolSilver and Prosanna Red. Don\'t ask me why I have all those.\n\n
\n\nExcellent, good quality list!
Look at this, you don't even need to look for the banter. It comes to you!
Welcome to the Cadre, Please make sure you familiarize yourself with the Terms of Usage and have fun
Welcome to the Cadre, Sharp's! Very nice set up Strop Shoppe supply.