The Shaving Cadre

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Look what I found in my back yard

I used to do cable construction (fancy way of saying I was a ditch digger) and I was constantly opening cable pedestals (that ugly green thing between you and your neighbor). In the summer time, there was probably better than a 75% chance that a Black Widow would be in them. Most of the time they were in a spot were I could work around them. Every now and then I had to try to move them. I just didn't want to mess with them at I would do what I had to do and move on.

Over the past ten years or my parts I have seen a lot of Brown Widow Spiders. Supposedly they live a lot like the Black Widow, dark secluded places, but I have noticed that they are often in more open places than I would expect! Maybe @Spider has some knowledge on the subject.
Black Widows like seclusion. They will make a web in an area, usually out of the way, and will stay put, waiting for prey to come to them.

Brown Recluse are reclusive and do tend to stick to darker areas, out of the way.... but they don’t make webs and they don’t stay put. They are nearly constantly on the move looking for prey.

All things being equal (I.e. you have both in your area)..... Due to their habits, you’re more likely to come in contact With a Brown Recluse than a black widow in your day to day. You’re usually getting into an unusual location to find a widow.

And, recluses are more likely to bite than widows, when disturbed. So in my opinion they are more of a danger. I leave widows be.... recluses get an immediate death sentence.
Why do I live Here? We are the Australia of the United States

When i was in basic training at Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri we were out on Bivouac and one of the guys got bit by a brown recluse on his chest. Nasty wound !! He had to have flesh removed from his chest that was rotting because of the bite and the last I heard he still has a pit in his chest from the bite..
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