The Shaving Cadre

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Learning all the things

Sharko week - July 11th ‘21


Razor: Lupo .95
Blade: Shark SS (1)
Brush: Wee Scot
Soap: Arko
Pre: N/A
Post: Hey Joe Acid Melon and a dash of Snake Bite
Rating: 4/5
Last shave: < 2 days-ish ago (43 hrs)
Result: SAS

We have entered Shark week. And I don’t even have discovery! On a dare, there was a suggestion to make it ShArko week. I don’t think so. I’ve tried Arko now (and clearly before, as I recognize the scent from the soap my barber uses).

Anyway, over to the soap. Arko has been around for a very long time, since the late 1950’s. And here we are, in 2021, and I have for the first time tried Arko at home. I had a pretty old stick, from around 2012. I unwrapped it, and it’s obvious it’s dried out a little bit. I still managed to warm it up in my hands, and get it pressed into a small bowl, ready for use. I have to mention the scent. It really does smell like a public restroom. When I unpacked the soap and started the process of getting it into the bowl, one of our cats recoiled and ran away. Love it or hate it, the scent is certainly polarizing. I don’t mind it, but I wouldn’t be using it in the future for its scent.

Using my Wee Scot brush, I wanted to load it up with Arko soap, and face lather. In mere seconds, there was lather in the bowl, which was very surprising. I was ready to start my shave in less than a minute I think. It was super fast to create a lather, and it was thick, creamy and slick.

On to the blade. I have no previous experience with Shark blades. From what I understand, they’re on the milder side. I didn’t feel any tugging or blade skipping, but less time had passed between shaves this time. For my last few shaves, I’d let 3 days pass. And now, a little less than 2 days have passed. So that might be partly the reason I got a SAS today rather than a DFS. 3 passes + a bit of cleanup, WTG, XTG and XTG. My goal is to get down to a shave every 2 days. I feel pretty scruffy after 3 days!

There was no blood in the water today. No nicks, weepers, cuts or irritation. So going by that, I’m pretty happy with my shave overall! Hope everyone is having a fantastic start to shark week. ;)