The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

I'm from Switzerland

Welcome! I'm new here too, but I'm really impressed!

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Welcome Manuel! Glad you could join us!

So, if SRs are your razor of choice, what do you currently enjoy for you other gear/software?
I'm mostly using Shavettes. I personally love the feather artist club DX. Unfortunately I don't own one myself, I had the chance to use the one of a friend of mine. At the moment I mostly switch between the feather SS and the IBC razor.What are your favorite ones?
Cheers, Manuel
I'm mostly using Shavettes. I personally love the feather artist club DX. Unfortunately I don't own one myself, I had the chance to use the one of a friend of mine. At the moment I mostly switch between the feather SS and the IBC razor.What are your favorite ones?
Cheers, Manuel
I’m into a little of everything when it comes to razors! The Feather SS folding style is definitely near the top! I also enjoy the Vector and RR Game Changer .68.
Great introduction! Shaving can be meditative, and sometimes other parts of the morning get rushed as I realize I took too long to enjoy the quiet time!!

Welcome to the Cadre!