The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

I'm from Switzerland


Shave Member
Hey guys

My name is Manuel, and I would like to introduce myself.
I am located in Switzerland and started wet shaving around 5 years ago. Especially shaving with straight razors is what I enjoy the most.

Over the years straight razor shaving has transformed and became more of an important ritual to get me in the right state of mind… Or let's call it an anchor.

For me shaving with a straight razor is like a “light” session of meditation… In the evening it helps me to calm down after a hard day and a shave in the morning makes me focused and energized for the rest of the day.

Because I am a carpenter I started to re-scale some shavettes to get my friends as excited as I was… That was the time when I fell in love with the straight razor topic.

For me, straight razor shaving is more than just a way to shave…
It's my quiet time… And imho it's definitely something every man should at least give it a try once in his life… especially in this fast and hectic world we live in today.

I think that's enough for the beginning :)

I'm looking forward to having a lot of interesting conversations with you guys!

Welcome to The Cadre! I too enjoy the relaxing nature of a straight razor shave. For me it has become therapeutic whether it is shaving in the morning to get in the right state of mind for work, or shaving at night yo relax from a rough day at work. You joined a really good group here!
Welcome! I’m from Switzerland too! Well like 6 generations ago, but my parents went to go visit the family castle there many years ago.
Seriously? He is always trying to impress the new guys! 🤪

@Manumik Welcome to TSC! We are so happy you found us! And your knowledge of straights will be most useful!
Welcome Manuel! Glad you could join us!

So, if SRs are your razor of choice, what do you currently enjoy for you other gear/software?