Shave #202 (459 Open Blade Shaves) of 2021:
Gear: Blackland Vector, Feather Pro blade, Gray Dog Art Deco brush, CBL Steel Grey Fougere soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, Fine Platinum AS, and Creed Aventus cologne to finish!
Feeling moderately rested but my brain is bemoaning the fact that I’m having trouble sleeping in as long as I think I’d like.
Great shave with the Vector out again. Went for an Aventus scent profile today. Man, I forget how face blastingly cold the original Fine menthol formula is! It almost hurt!
Before coming back home for chores and hangout yesterday, we had breakfast/brunch out and went to the SB Natural History Museum…really great spot to spend a day!
The younger two were excited to learn about a nature finds trade where they can write about or bring in some neat things they find in nature and get points. The points can be accumulated over however long and then traded in for a wide range of nature items. They’ve got everything a kid interested in nature might want, from shells, rocks, and little science kits all the way up to some big ticket items like bits of meteor and fossils bits!
Off to services this morning!
Have a blessed Sunday all!