Shave #191 (322 Open Blade Shaves) of 2019:
Gear: O-Clone injector, Schick Twin blade, 1st Anniversary TSC badger brush, JoHS Turkish Bath soap, generic witch hazel, Thayer’s Medicated, and Barbasol PR AS to finish!
Second use of O-Clone injector loaded with twin blade. Not the closest, but at least it was a smooth shave. Perhaps the blade might be on the fritz? It didn’t necessarily feel tuggy though.
This will mean that I’ve now shaved twice with each of the injectors. Here’s how things stand so far: The Schick Adjustable is probably the smoothest shaver and probably top of the heap. The PAL is almost neck and neck with the Schick, a little more blade feel but also probably a slightly longer lasting shave. O-Clone is just a good shaver, though not adjustable. I may have to try some shaves with the full settings next.
Today is my Wednesday! Temperature predictions have dropped slightly for this weekend, so high 90s now instead of low 100s, which is a very slight improvement! VBS wraps up in the afternoon tomorrow, then begins the big ‘ol cleanup ordeal and putting everything away before Sunday. So far, I’ll admit, we’ve kept fairly well on top of things so it’s not been too bad. Still, Friday and Saturday will require a little more spit shine to get thing back to normal.
Off to work soon!
Have a great Thursday all!