Shave 8 of 2019:
Gear: Colonial General Brass, Feather Pro blade (2; flipped), RR Big Bruce synth, SC Commitment soap, generic witch hazel, and Proraso Red AS to finish!
Not good to start out the week already tired! At least the shave was good today.
Really nice, really smooth 2nd shave with the General today after dropping all my people off to their places. Cleaned up and even cut my own hair (I hope I didn’t miss a!).
Today I tested the grip “issue” of the General. I kept my hands washed of soap, as would be normal, but more times than not had my hands wet when picking up the razor. Proud to report, there were no slippages, no close calls. I could see where it might be an issue for me only if I were to go into mindless shave mode. I don’t know if the nickel helps or hinders that at all vs brass; probably hurts a bit if I had to guess.
Back to work today. My days off just seemed to rocket past. I would have worked this evening with the coworker who passed Sunday; it’ll be weird for a while, expecting to see her on certain shifts but not.
Sundsy also kicked off our church’s annual participation in Upward Basketball league. It’s a Christian values and sportsmanship focused league. Some 400+ kids are registered this year, for our campus alone. They usually have a practice one evening out of the week, then a game or two one weekend day. The coaches attempt to stagger things so not everyone is on the campus at the same time. Tons of fun for all involved (a heck of a lot of cleanup though, lol). That’ll be a chunk of my next 10ish weeks though, on top of whatever else.
Hope you all have a good Tuesday!