The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

I’m Patti, I’m new, and . . . I’m not a guy


Hi all,

You can blame Dave in KY for inviting me to join TSC. (Thanks, Dave!)

So, this summer I made the mistake of switching to wet-shaving my legs, mainly inspired by promises of saving piles of money by scrapping costly cartridge razors. Right . . . well, that was twenty-odd razors ago (OK, yes, and shelves of soap, brushes, and aftershaves).

My biggest problem is that I can’t focus on a manageable segment of razors, like, say, just SE razors or — even better — strictly modern SE razors. No, I enjoy them all: modern, vintage, DE, and SE (injector, AC, and Gem). Straight razors are about the only type that don’t interest me.

Razors, as everyone knows, beget brushes, soaps, and aftershaves. Need I say more about that?

Random non-shaving info: retired research librarian, date code = A-4, reside in small southeast Texas town, owner of a rescue beagle (more like he owns me), southpaw

OK, that’s the gist of me. Look forward to making acquaintances here.

Happy shaves to you!


P.S. Haven’t started exploring TSC yet, but already I really like its clean, uncluttered format.
WooHoo, another girl! I love it when ladies join the Shaving forums. Shaving isn’t just for guys, and traditional shaving isn’t either. Thanks for joining, and Welcome to the Cadre!
Welcome Patti!

Sounds like you’re off to a great start! At least have any favorite gear/software yet?
WooHoo, another girl! I love it when ladies join the Shaving forums. Shaving isn’t just for guys, and traditional shaving isn’t either. Thanks for joining, and Welcome to the Cadre!

Haha, many thanks Spider!
It’s not often I earn a WooHoo for being a girl.
Glad to have you here Patti! This place was looking a little bare and really needs a woman's touch! Welcome to the Cadre!
Welcome to the Cadre we are happy to have you here!
Well, well, well ... it's really great to see you here, Patti. I think you'll find this is a fine place to meander about.
Hi Patti, glad you found the Cadre! This is a great place to hang out & banter back & forth. Hope you like it here as much as we do.