The Shaving Cadre

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Human Composting

Lately, I've been watching a lot of videos from the YT channel, Ask A Mortician She has great content and covers a lot of really interesting and though provoking content. She's also written several books on the topics of death and what happens to our physical bodies in the afterlife.

Is a much more eco friendly version of cremation
Here's a good video on alkaline hydrolysis (aquamation):
Brian, yup, that's pretty much my plan. (as the shaker, shakee, and probably accidental inhaler to boot)
Ketchup is just sad, bland, bbq sauce. Change my mind.
Well I would agree on cooked meat , but on the more composted “au natural” I find the sweet note of ketchup masks-out the somewhat funky notes of decomp, and chewiness of the marrow, and pairs well with the mixture of composted wood and spleen🤪🤪🤪
Well I would agree on cooked meat , but on the more composted “au natural” I find the sweet note of ketchup masks-out the somewhat funky notes of decomp, and chewiness of the marrow, and pairs well with the mixture of composted wood and spleen🤪🤪🤪
Well I would agree on cooked meat , but on the more composted “au natural” I find the sweet note of ketchup masks-out the somewhat funky notes of decomp, and chewiness of the marrow, and pairs well with the mixture of composted wood and spleen🤪🤪🤪
Hilarious thread.

I can't decide between cremation and just getting buried in a nearby national cemetery.
Hilarious thread.

I can't decide between cremation and just getting buried in a nearby national cemetery.
Well the cremation blow-back video that Woodpusher posted reminded me of Barber Dave's talc bomb and an earlier comment in the thread suggested that CBL could make the dearly departed into soap! What a great opportunity to twin my demise with my shaving hobby, so my new will now stipulates that any heirs of mine that want dibs on my straight razors have to use the Trunker talc and the soap. i welcome scent recommendations.

Then i'll not only be in their thoughts, hehe.
