The Shaving Cadre

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Hoping all of Our Utah Members are Okay

Is it unusual for aftershocks to go for this long? It seems like it is. Can’t imagine how unsettling it is to not feel safe at home.
Is it unusual for aftershocks to go for this long? It seems like it is. Can’t imagine how unsettling it is to not feel safe at home.

I honestly don't know.

All I know is according to the University of Utah Geological center they are saying yes. Apparently because our soil is technically old lake bed we feel the shaking more. So needless to say anything above M2 is felt because of the soil. They told us to prepare for aftershocks for at least two weeks after the big one. But should be less over time. So far it's true. They also just said that enough time has passed that there is less than 1% chance of one bigger than the initial hit happening.

But I feel like a complainer so many people in the country and globe are going through worse than this. But I am struggling.

Also shouldn't you Californians have some knowledge in this subject of earthquakes?
Sorry your struggling with this Chad. Just keep repeating to yourself the worst is over and it's improving. One day at a time. Be strong as it will translate to your family as they watch you and the positive spirit you display. You got this !!

PS - Show them your strength by eating that chip on video 🤪
Wake up have some coffee hop on a conference call. Say to myself today is going to be a good day.

3.1 earthquake 20 min after.
Dude...I know your nerves are rattled. But take comfort that your family is safe and rely on your faith. You are strong and will get through this. You have a lot on your plate...but just take things one at a time. Get some rest when you can...your family needs you. This will all be over soon. When the kids grow can tell of your "war stories" of how you thought the world was going to end. This will make you stronger...I promise you. I haven't gone through exactly what you are, but I have gone through some bad stuff too. It doesn't feel like it now...but there will be a conclusion to all this nonsense.

Praying for you and your family brother!
Dude...I know your nerves are rattled. But take comfort that your family is safe and rely on your faith. You are strong and will get through this. You have a lot on your plate...but just take things one at a time. Get some rest when you can...your family needs you. This will all be over soon. When the kids grow can tell of your "war stories" of how you thought the world was going to end. This will make you stronger...I promise you. I haven't gone through exactly what you are, but I have gone through some bad stuff too. It doesn't feel like it now...but there will be a conclusion to all this nonsense.

Praying for you and your family brother!
Agreed. And - if you ask me - you should only be logging in here if it's relaxing you, not if it's adding to your pressure. Good luck and stay strong. It'll get better.
Thanks guys fro all the well wishes. The earthquakes are slowing down. Which is a good thing. Quite a few yesterday under 1.5 but thankfully we can not feel those. We had actually one 17 hours without feeling one. The 3.2 hit this morning ten minutes before my alarm went off. My goal now is 24 hours!