The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun



Here for the Bingo
Hi everyone! Special thanks to KJ for inviting me! Well, new place, some new names and avatars, but good old frends! Happy to share this place with you!
And, because this is my first post, my name is Dragan (Gagi is shorter form), 32yo, from Serbia. I'm sociologist, without a job, doing stuff on my family's small farm. I've been doing this hobby for five years, I think...
Welcome Dragan! Happy to see you make your way over here. Hope your shaves are still going well.
Welcome Gagi, Maybe you can convince these guys to let me call a bingo game

Thanks John! You know I'm in, but these guys... Don't get me banned on my first day?
The Monkey said:
Welcome Gagi, Maybe you can convince these guys to let me call a bingo game


He is not the one you have to bribe.... err I mean convince Mr Tabor.